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very hurt and shocked

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Hi, my boyfriend have been together for almost 2 years. We have lived together for 8 months. He has never given me a reason not to trust him except for the other night. He has always been faithful and never even looks at other girls. He went to a club and got very drunk with his friends (he's 25) He gets lonely when I'm not with him at places.


This girl kept looking at him and he danced with her provocatively and gave her a quick kiss. He told me this recently and it just broke my heart. He told me he had about 9 beers and felt depressed while he was there. I know in my heart he loves me and for me it's the same. Is this serious? and what can I do about this?

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It could have turned out to be a lot more worse.


Its up to you to decide if you can put this behind you and move on from what has been done.


If you can not put this behind you and need a break from him and decide what you want to do.


In my opinion I think drink is just an excuse when it comes to cheating. He should have phoned you up when he starts to miss you.

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I agree with Blueyedsarah. Drunk is just an excuse and not good enough of one. But he could have done a lot worse also. You should tell him how this makes you feel. Tell him to call you in the future if he misses you. But if I was you, I"d be leary of his behavior while he's out drunk with buds from now on...he's shown you that he's capable of making mistakes, so I'd be watching to make sure he doesn't make a habit out of it.

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