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pain in loving someone whom cannot be yours....

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its hard when the one ur longing for cannot be yours..because you already committed to someone else........is it wrong if I continue texting him......

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Honestly, why continue to text him? Why put yourself thru all that. The best thing in this situation is distance. Then you can eventually move on to someone who is available.

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That's easy, break it off with the one you committed to then you are free to persue your dreams.

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It is wrong to cheat on your partner and it is unfair of you to lead someone on when you know you are in a committed relationship and intend to stay in one. You need to jump your tail down off that fence and choose one way or the other: stay with the person you committed to, or leave that person for the new person in your life. You may get away with having it both ways, but it won't last for long. You'll lose one way or the other.

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oops, I read wrong. I thought he was the one committed. Since it is you, I say you should figure out what YOU want. You can't have both. Don't lead this other guy on. Either stick in your relationship and cut things off with this guy.....OR get out of your current relationship and pursue this guy.

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I honestly don't know what to advise you about texting.


As for the longing you feel. It's one of life's great burdens. My only advise is to be honest, and genuine, please remember where there is life there is hope... anything is possible in the fullness of time.

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I am in this type of situation, Im the one who is the other guy. Just decide who and what you want. Look to see who makes you happy. Do you see yourself with the other person long term? If so make a choice sooner then later. It sucks to be the one waiting. Is your current situation not what you wanted? Sometimes choices are hard, but look to your heart and decide...

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