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A girl and a guy


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Hey guys, I have a little bit if an issue here. Actually a big one.


Well, here's the scoop.


I dated a girl from 5th-end of 7th grade.


The farthest we ever got was french kissing. Well now I'm in 11th grade, and I have not dated a girl since. It's not really because I don't want a girlfriend. I just haven't felt anything for other girls (And trust me im not gay lol). I mean, I've flirted with other girls and stuff but even if they show affection towards me, I just don't feel that spark if you know what I mean.


The other day I called this old girlfriend just to say happy birthday as we have been doing for the past 1-2 years. And I got the courage to ask if she wanted to go out for dinner. You know, just something casual so we could catch up.


We had a great time, at least I did, and we were constantly talking. Afterwards, I didn't want the night to be over. So I asked her if she wanted to come to my house and watch Officespace (My parents weren't home). During the movie, I would often look at her out of the corner of my eye and she is as beautiful as ever. I'm not sure if I still love her, which I think I do, of if maybe I just never got over her. She didn't dump me or vice versa, we just decided to see other people (Or in my case no one).


Anyway we laughed a lot during the movie etc etc, then went to her place and talked for awhile and I played with her dog, what can I say, I love dogs. Her family came home and I chatted with them around the TV for about an hour. Before I knew it, it was 12:30 so I had to leave for home. Well, It's been 2 weeks since then and I was hoping that maybe she would call me. (I'm sort of the shy type). But seeing as how I'm the guy, I suppose I should call her.


She's the kind of girl that makes A's in honors classes and has her life planned out, etc. Mature and in 11th grade same as me. She goes to "more elite academic high school"; however, I go to the local public high school. I wish we saw each other more. I am finding myself thinking about her more and more as I fall asleep at night.


Do you guys offer any suggestions? I really want to ask her out again. But I honestly don't know if she'd want to date seriously again. I mean, we had our round for a good 3 years. It would seem weird to get back together in my opinion. But God how I want to. Any solutions as to how I should go about asking her out? I don't really want to do the same syllabus as last time, but I don't want something completely "datey."

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Why not just edge in through the back door.


Plan a nice afternoon of activities and ask her out for a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. Go by and get her about noon or 1p.m., do lunch, movie, sporting event, Christmas shopping, etc. The weather is a bit chilly these days so you'll have to do whatever is practical.


Ladies love men who ask them to do things in the daytime. It shows them there's a level of interest that transcends the normal stuff. Once you've done a thing or two with her during the afternoon time, then you can get more serious about an evening date.


You have to take some action, though. At your ages, I really don't think this could blossom into a major romance of the century. Both of you have many years to go before that will happen to either of you. So don't take this quite so solemnly seriously. See it as an opportunity for both of you to have fun and get to know each other better.


One thing about the future, you really never know in what in what direction it will go. Take things one day at a time. Maybe somebody the two of you could be a really special item. Right now, just show her a nice time whatever you do.

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