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I met a guy online, we just chatted for a couple mins, then I suggested we talk on the phone because I just prefer that over typing back and forth. He gave me his # so I called him.


We chatted for like an hour. Not only is he cute (from what the pic says) but he was funny, nice, smart, you know all that...I was impressed by the 1st conversation, more than I normally would be with online guys. This guy just seems "normal" like me...I guess its still too soon to know that for sure, but you get it.


He was the 1st to end the conversation, and said it was nice talking to me. I asked if he now had my phone # because of caller ID and he just said yes I do! But gave no indication of calling me again or wanting meet up..I"m all about going slow and all, but would he have shown more interest in talking in the future or could that 1 conversation change someone's mind! I thought it went well...

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Try not to worry about it. I don't think he would have talked to you for an hour and ended the conversation with "nice talking to you" if he had no intention of talking to you again. How long has it been?

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Well today is Thursday, we talked on Tuesday night...I figure he'd call by the weekend if he is interested in more...? I'm not extremely worried, just wondering, cuz after the phone call I'm definitely more interested in getting to know him better. But if he doesn't call, no big deal, I just hope he does!

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You can't tell until they ring back. Sometimes they will seem interested at first and then never contact again; other times they will seem not that interested, but then start chasing you soon after. Better to just stop speculating and wait for them to show interest.

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