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just to say hi?


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I dated a girl for 3-4 months. She did not want to get close because of ex boyfriend issues. She told me she was afraid and just wanted to date.


In the end I backed off and stopped calling , she no longer seemed interested. She would not accept dates and did not return call. A week later she e-mailed me a joke , I did not respond.


That was six weeks with no contact. She calls and says Called to say hi, its the holidays. We had a nice conversation for 10 minutes then I had to go. I told her I would call her later. She says "Well I just called to say hi" I never called her, I took this as dont call me. Also I thought it was kind of rude to end a conversation like this. this was last week and I did not hear from her ethier.


Who really calls just to say "hi". What is the point after a situation like this? We are both late 20's


Bitter ( I guess) in baltimore

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Seems like she is playing hard to get or something. Seems like she is just not as interested in you as you are of her. 6 weeks and then she calls you JUST to say hi?? No, there's something more to it than that. But I would keep away from her, she seems rather sketchy.....

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This girl's got problems you don't need. Don't even waste your time thinking about her or what her motives are.


The next time she calls to say "Hi" tell her you're so glad she did because you were so you could say "Bye."

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I guess I was looking for motivations for her behavior. I realize I may never understand due to the fact I am sane and do not have any serious issues


You know what they say "They dont make any seatbelts for the mind"

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