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Well since I've lost 50 pounds since Sept. & I'm probably in the best shape I've been for a while I was talked into "walking" the Bolder Boulder this year. (Memorial Day)


I have never done anything like this before and since I have had three back surgeries I can't run the race so I'm going to do the walk portion.


Right now I go to the gym and do the Elliptical machine for an hour then hit the weights for about a half hour to hour.


Just wondering if anyone has suggestions of other things I might do to get ready for this 10K???

I plan on going for a walk outside this weekend, maybe like 3 miles just to see how I do. I might even stretch it a little farther then that.


I went snow shoeing twice in the last two months and that was 5 miles and I did o.k. so I don't think I'll have much trouble.


Oh if it matters I'm 46 years young!!;):D

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i'm 53 and walk 3 miles at lunch during the week at work. and then i get home and run 4 miles about 3 times a week. my advice is to buy good shoes--Asics, New Balance or (yuk) Nike. weekends, i canoe, kite surf or yard work.

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i'm 53 and walk 3 miles at lunch during the week at work. and then i get home and run 4 miles about 3 times a week. my advice is to buy good shoes--Asics, New Balance or (yuk) Nike. weekends, i canoe, kite surf or yard work.

New Balance kid here, I have tried others but they just don't last as well as the New Balance. I checked out a new pair of walking shoes yesterday so I might go back and pick them up when I have extra money....

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Yea for you PW!!!


I have no advice..... stay hydrated.


I don't run unless chasing a loose horse or cow :lmao:


I try not to move that fast unless I really have to.


But best wishes to you and go out there and run your tail off!


( I will watch from the side lines sucking down a latte and smoking a cigarette) :D

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Congrats! 10K walks are a lot of fun!


My father is a marathon runner, me and my mother not so much, usually during a marathon there is a 10K or 15K walk so we do that when he runs. It's so much fun, good for you and pretty mellow. Have fun! And I'm sure it won't be too challanging for you with all the working out you do :)

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New Balance kid here, I have tried others but they just don't last as well as the New Balance. I checked out a new pair of walking shoes yesterday so I might go back and pick them up when I have extra money....

Don't wait too long to get the shoes; you'll want time to break them in first. Nothing worse than doing a 10-mile walk in stiff, new shoes. I play tennis 3-4X a week and I can't wear shoes on court unless I've knocked around in them off court for 2-3 months. Good luck and have fun!


Mr. Lucky

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So last night I decided to hit the treadmill at the gym just so see how well I could do.

I thought doing 4 miles today would be a good start to see how I felt & how my feet held up so I set the treadmill at 4.0 with 1.0 incline. That makes it easy to figure how long it will take me, 15 minute miles and I was doing so well I decided to add another 1/2 mile so I went 4.5 miles in 1 hour & 15 minutes today.


Now I'm headed out to look for some new shoes. I like my New Balance but I've been reading and they say most shoes in the $80.00 range are good so find one that fits you the best so I'll get outside my box & look at other brands as well. :D;)


We have a couple good stores in a town not far away (college town) that specialize in running & walking shoes so I'll check those out.

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Went and looked at shoes, and the store I went to the guy was really nice. Made me walk stocking footed around the store for him, then he looked at the shoes I had on then asked a bunch of questions of what I was going to do, etc. etc.


Then he brought out three different brands of shoes so I tried them all on and got it down to two different ones which I couldn't decide between the two. The guy said if they both felt good & I didn't know which one, he suggested I buy the cheaper of the two so I thought that was pretty honest suggestion.


I ended up with New Balance & he said to try them for a day or two inside and if I didn't like them to bring them back. I walked in them today at the gym & they worked very well so I'm happy and now I just need to get workout!!!;)


Looking forward to this summer and being able to do things outdoors!!

A camelbak is the next thing on my list to get so I can use that hiking & snowshoeing next winter.

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Smart move making certain you have decent walking shoes. Arch support is so important.


Don't forget to bring some precut moleskin for any unforeseen rubbing from your shoes. Otherwise a 10K walk could be a painful experience.

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Smart move making certain you have decent walking shoes. Arch support is so important.


Don't forget to bring some precut moleskin for any unforeseen rubbing from your shoes. Otherwise a 10K walk could be a painful experience.

What the heck is moleskin or do I dare ask??

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What the heck is moleskin or do I dare ask??

I'd link it but I don't think we're allowed to. Just google Dr. Scholl's moleskin. It's a kind of cotton padding that hardcore hikers use.



  • Soft, smooth cotton flannel padding
  • Helps relieve painful shoe friction
  • Self-stick adhesive, cuts to size
  • Available in strips or in a value-size roll

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The weather is finally warming up so I went for a short walk outside this morning and to tell you the truth it's a lot better then walking on a treadmill.

My son spent the evening at my folks and dog sat for them so I road my bike over & then walked home. He road the bike home and just stayed with me and we had a good talk.


I walked 1.5 miles and it took 22 minutes which is what I hope to do the Bolder Boulder in, 15 minute miles or that is my goal. ;) I also got my card in the mail that says I can pick up my packet of stuff so the wife is doing that tomorrow....


Everyone tells me you get so hyped up before & with all the people dressed up in costumes & everything the time goes by very fast. We end up in CU's football stadium and I think & then you watch the pro's finish the race.


I also bought me a day pack yesterday for hiking this summer, I have a 18 year old cousin that went snowshoeing with us thei winter that wants to also go hiking so that will give me motivation to get out as well.

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Monday is the big day for me & I'm really looking forward to the 10K walk. I guess the Bolder Boulder is the second biggest 10K race & they expect over 40,000 people.


I started a new job Monday & it is working in a warehouse pulling auto parts so I got in a lot of practice..:D:laugh::laugh: which is good because before that for the last three weeks I haven't been doing anything because I hurt my back.


Today & tomorrow I go to the gym just to get in a few more miles.


Hope everyone has a awesome Memorial Weekend!!!!!

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I MADE IT!!!!!

They said they were expecting 50,000 people & I don't know if they had that many but there were people EVERYWHERE!!!!!!


I don't have my time yet but my start time was 8:48 & I think it was 10:14 when I finished. I was to busy looking around but the gal in front of me said that was the time, that was better then I was planning so I was happy.


My son said he wants to do it with me next year so we have something to look forward to......

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Congrats!! You've been working towards this for awhile. There's no reason why kids shouldn't go. The walks/runs around town have many families that go together.

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In my wave there was a 7 yr old that this was her 3rd time walking/jogging & there were many other kids out there. It was really cool to see mom's with there sons or daughters, & fathers with there sons or daughters enjoying time together.


By 4 miles some of the kids were getting pretty tired but others were passing me up like they had just started the race.


This was the 29th running of the race & 72 people have done it all 29 years.

I have almost lived here since the race started & this is the first time I have participated but it was worth it, which I had done it sooner..;):D

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In my wave there was a 7 yr old that this was her 3rd time walking/jogging & there were many other kids out there. It was really cool to see mom's with there sons or daughters, & fathers with there sons or daughters enjoying time together.


By 4 miles some of the kids were getting pretty tired but others were passing me up like they had just started the race.


This was the 29th running of the race & 72 people have done it all 29 years.

I have almost lived here since the race started & this is the first time I have participated but it was worth it, which I had done it sooner..;):D


Awesome PW...:D Don't forget to PM me with some pics..;)

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