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Finally found the right one but i think im gonna stuff it up

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Ok im 19 years old and am in my first relationship (going out for 9 months) . That probably sounds weird but because of my own morals i have only ever wanted to go out with someone hwo i know i would have a lasting relationship.


Now she is my first EVERYTHING first girl friend, first real kiss, FIRST EVERYTHIG (yes i relise im 19). She has only had 1 real relationship but i never went to far (never had sex of ANY kind). But she went through this period of her life where she went to clubs and used to make out with alot of guys. I know why she did it and its because she has had a hard up bringing and it was her way of escaping.


She is so special and i love her more than anything in the world. We talk about everything and are open about everything. she hates whats she has done but when ever it comes up it really hurts me. I feel sick in the stomach.

I worry about it all the time. I know how much she loves me but for some reason i keep thinking that shes going to go back to what she did in the past.


I love her more than anything in the world and honestly want to spend the rest of my life with her but for some reason i cant shake my insecurity. I never tell her this and arnt controlling or anything.

I so want to be with her but at the same time i dont want to have to her be in a relationship with someone who is insecure for no good reason.

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Hey man, whats up? I understand where you are coming from, and the insecurities that you may have.. From what I gather, it sounds like you're happy being with this girl, and I can imagine her being happy with you as well. If her past actions in the club as a single lady have not reoccured in the nine months that you have been together, I don't think you have a problem man. You are both young, and she was having a fun time being single.. At least she wasnt having sex with random guys, and even better, at least she's not a cheater. If she has been on her best behaviour since being with you, then you've added some sunshine in her life. Her past is the past and it should stay there. She seems much happier being in a committed relationship with you, rather than having fun with random guys at the club. I think you two will be fine!

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