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7 years together&is cheating!

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Hi, I have known this man for almost 7 years and have loved him with all my heart. We live in seperate states, but always seemed fine until this year. He started doing things he would never do before, and I just thought "Okay, maybe he's trying to lead a more fuller life since he's getting older".


I mail him packages sometimes, and this last time I told him I was going to, he didn't want me to. Between the behavior differences and not wanting the package, I did something I never would have thought about doing.


I looked at his private e-mail account. What I found, were love letters to a woman who is from his same city and pictures of them together! I confronted him about it, and he just denied it, saying she was "just a friend", but there is too much proof. It was like he was keeping me as the back up woman, in case the other one didn't work out.


Now I'm at a loss. I don't know what on earth to do. I don't have bad feelings toward the other woman, because he has told her and treated her the same as me, and as far as she knows she's "the only one".

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What to do? If you found love letters, then regardless of what he is telling you, he is cheating on you. Walk away from him. And since that woman doesn't know he is cheating on her, you might want to send her an email so she knows what kind of guy she's dealing with.

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What to do? If you found love letters, then regardless of what he is telling you, he is cheating on you. Walk away from him. And since that woman doesn't know he is cheating on her, you might want to send her an email so she knows what kind of guy she's dealing with.


A little extreme don't you think? She broke into his email and found out he was seeing someone, after a seven year long distance "relationship".


If she wants to affect the situation MOVE to the other state and make him choose. Right now there aren't many choices to consider are there?

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A little extreme don't you think? She broke into his email and found out he was seeing someone, after a seven year long distance "relationship".


If she wants to affect the situation MOVE to the other state and make him choose. Right now there aren't many choices to consider are there?


I would think moving to force him to choose would be pretty extreme, especially since he's been hiding this relationship from her. If they've been long distance for 7 years, there's a reason neither is moving to be together. So why prolong the agony, especially now that she knows there's another woman? What's the point of this relationship anymore?

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You've seen the love letters that he's written to another woman with your own eyes. Isn't that enough proof to see that he's playing you?

At the end of the day if you want to believe his tripe that it was "just a friend", then you are seriously deluded. Instead of worrying about how the other woman is being treated,maybe its time for you to quickly move on.

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It would be tempting to email the other woman, but pointless, really, unless your hoping for revenge that way...like if she dumps him because of what you tell her...but chances are, she may not consider it something to break up over since its been a long distance thing. So moving on is really the best thing.

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