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Am I a dreamer?


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Hi there everybody!


Perhaps somebody could give me some advice - I know my problem is probably not as big as the other ones that are discussed here...


I have been in a really horrible relationship about 6 months ago. It was not so much that he treated me bad - but the whole situation didn´t work out - and that destroyed all our feelings. But it hurt a lot because I thought he was "the one".


Anyways, I met a guy over the internet and we became email-friends. He is so sweet and everything, and just by listening and taking my mind off my problems he helped me a lot! And I think you could say I fell for him...


He is coming to visit me on Saturday - all the way from England! And I know we both but quite some hopes in the meeting, although we never really talked about our feelings! But I know that he feels similar.


Now I am asking myself if I am just a dreamer - I mean am I kidding myself? Is there any chance that something like this could work out? I couldn´t bear to get hurt again ... it was too much the last time!


I just don´t know how I should react when he is standing in front of me? Should I give it a chance to let something happen, or is it better to forget all feelings?

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To my knowledge, a guy won't come from so far just to see a friend. There must be something more than just friendship.


"I couldn´t bear to get hurt again ... it was too much the last time!"


Risk. If you don't risk anything, you will risk everything. If you love someone, there is always a risk of rejection. By fearing rejection, we cannot stop loving. Go for it. Before you could let your feelings out, you would realise his feelings. Hope everything goes smoothly.


Take care,



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