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I found this site by trying to find help for my sister. She cheated on her boyfriend and had to tell him about it today. I have read over some of these threads, and I don't need to hear how bad what she did was. I know, I have been cheated on.

A bit of the story...


Everyone (friends and family) thought he was cheating on her. To be honest, I am still not sure he wasn't. He wasn't coming home at night, turning off his cell phone when he went out and just not caring. These have all been signs of cheating in my past. So, what she did (i think) was a reaction. I know, it doesn't make it right.


She told one of her friends, who in turn asked her bf (a friend of my sisters bf) a hypothetical question, he figured out what was going on and gave my sister the ultimatium of she tells him or he does. So, she told him a few minutes ago and now he has told her to pack her things and get out.

I am here to hear from those who have cheated, what can I do to help her through this?


I have never been in her shoes and don't know what to tell her, but I am the older sister that she looks to for support. She is my sister, I can't be mad at her, I have to be there for her. I told her that at least for the weekend she needs to come stay at my house and out of his way to give him space. She has been crying, and hates herself. Any other advise on how I can help her out????

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