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Sexual jealousy - culturally programmed or human nature?

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Lately I've been contemplating the nature of jealousy and possessiveness between men and women. I'd appreciate any articulate musings as to whether the desire for sexual exclusivity in a relationship is a function of upbringing and cultural conditioning or whether it is a part of human nature that is indelibly imprinted on our psyche. I myself can't bear the thought of sharing my beautiful wife with anyone else. And yet there are many out there (polyamorous folks) who have attained the ability to control their jealousy to a great extent, and even rejoice that their beloved is experiencing pleasure with other people. Can sexual jealousy be consciously purged from one's being? Are some people just naturally inclined to accept non-monogamy in a relationship? It's a rather startling conundrum, actually. Within most of us (man or woman) is a primal desire to have sex with many partners. Men lust after beautiful women all the time, even when they are in love with their SO. And yet we can be driven mad with jealousy. Why the duality? In Huxley's Brave New World everyone has sex with everyone and jealousy/sexual ownership is nonexistent. Is this possible? Are we programmed to be possessive?

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