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Friendzone Successes

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Hi, im new and this is my first thread.


Like many persons (mostly guys) on this forum, I too have a long-standing crush on a "friend". Suffice to say I have experienced every kind of emotional manipulative game-playing that I have read about in this forum. Reading this forum, and others alike, has helped me greatly and only now do I understand the 'rules of the game' , so to speak.


However, it is apparent that some, if not most, of the best relationships come from initial friendships. Online literature, this forum included, only describes those experiences from a mostly male perspective with unsuccessful transitions from friend lover.


What I want to know is a womans perspective on friends becoming lovers. Mostly, are there any women out there who have succombed to a male friend's approach and have CHANGED THEIR MINDS/FELT DIFFERENTLY. i.e.


Before : Guy like girl, girl only wants friendship

After : Girl changes her mind


More specifically,


1. What steps did you friend take to change your perception of him?


2. What actually made you feel differently about him i.e. see him in a different scenario, with a girl, less of a doormat etc.?



I believe this perspective is certainly missing from the forum and would provide great help to all those in my situation.

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