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I know she probably ain't that interested but do you think I should ask for the numbe

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ok well, this is a myspace girl, I know its a very hard place for single guys to actually get a date going over there but I have a few times. Of course I prefer real life but this girl is cute.


Anyway, I guess I added her awhile back but never paid much attention to her than one day she send me a comment saying she has not talked to me in awhile and wanted to know what I been up to. To sum this up short, me and her talked for a little bit, she complained that she kept getting her heart broken and such.


So than one day, she stopped talking to me, would barely return my comments or message, than a few days later, she got a boyfriend, so I figured "Whatever" and left it be, I send her a message once in awhile asking her how she's been and I finally got 1 message back that just said "nm u?"


I checkedher page once in awhile and she was single again. but at the time I thought it was someone different and send her something like "Hey, you caught my eye and blah blah" She didn't return it. than I figured out it was that girl I talked to months ago.


Anyway, my next move was to ask for a number but...what would her reaction be? would she give me a chance?

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