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Mad confusion.

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I am torn between two guys. My amazing boyfriend I have now, or my ex. My boyfriend now is amazing, really super nice; but he lives 150 miles away (Going to college comes home on weekends) from me. Me and him starting dating like 4 days after me and my ex broke-up, I didn't really get the chance to get over my ex, for a couple months me and my ex did not talk so it was easy to be with my current boyfriend and I never felt like I didn't move on. :confused:

Until, a few weeks ago, my ex and I started talking, and we hung out a few times. He wants me to break up with my boyfriend and get back together with him but I am scared cause I have a guy that would do anything for me, and I don't want to lose him and I tryed to take a break so I could "think" but then he freaked out and started crying. but I really miss my ex sometimes, I am afraid if I go back to my ex and things don't work out just like they didn't before. I will realize I messed up real bad and it will be to late. Cause I mean I am really happy with my current boyfriend its just the distance, and not getting to see him often...

I guess I know that my ex is just going to break my heart again, but I can't seem to stop thinking about him. He was never really all that nice but we went out for a really long time and he was with me through alot of the difficult things in my life, but he just wants to be with me when its convient for him, and my boyfriend is so trustworthy and deffinatly would be there for me in the future, I'm not sure...really confused.:o

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I think maybe you should break up with your new boyfriend and don't even date your ex. Be alone for a while...It seems as much as you like your new boyfriend, he is a rebound.


This is why it's so important to have TIME between relationships...You obviously weren't over your ex when you started seeing the other guy.


Your boyfriend is a good person, but I don't think you 'feel' it for him, as much as you want to.


You need to decide to end it with one, or both. You can't see your ex and still date your boyfriend. That's cruel and unfair to the boyfriend...


Good luck!

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Sounds like you know your ex is bad news for you, but you're still hung up on him for some reason.


And it sounds like your new bf is great news for you, but you can't handle the long distance thing, so your ex is starting to look appealing because he's "there".


Personally, I wouldn't go back to an ex who only wants me when it's convenient for him.


And I'd figure out a way to deal with the long distance and give my best to new bf who will do everything for me.

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I'd end it with both. As whichwayup said, your current BF is just a rebound relationship and you're nowhere near over your ex.


Cut off both, take some time to get your head together and then you'll be ready for a relationship again.

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While I'm not much for rebound relationships but your new b/f sounds like a really great guy.


I know you have history with your ex but he sounds very self-centered. This type of person rarely changes. Forcing change will only cause resentment. He's an ex for a reason.

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I am torn between two guys. My amazing boyfriend I have now,

Confused? Confused?! What part of amazing don't you understand?? Or maybe he isn't that amazing. Maybe he's a doormat. Excellent for wiping your feet on, though.


Oh. It's the distance. Right. Then I suggest that you forget your ex, and decide whether you want to be in a LDR at all. Do you?


Stop complicating matters by bringing your ex into it.

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