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how to make your girlfriend spend time with you like it used to be?

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so me and my girlfriend have been together for like 2 years now. there have been many break ups and so forth...in the beggining. I didnt care so much about here because I had found out her past! permiscuious and a LIar! she has been dealing with lying her hole life.


Finaly after a year i decided to look past that. I remember when she would beg me to stay home with here and hang out, and i would turn her down. we then decided to get an apartment and lived together for like 7 months, with more and more lie's i became a jelious person and didnt like here hanging out with her friends! she then started calling me insecure jelious you name it she called me that! I really love this girl and do not want to let go.


Now she does not want to spend nearly as much time with me she wants to be with her friends and doesnt want to include me but we are still together and she now lives at her grandparents and refuses to live with me because of my family(there crazy!) here hole family does not like me and i am not aloud over there place, her friends dont like me you all get my point~


my question is : what can i do to make her love me like she used to? how can i make her want to include me in her every day outings?


p.s. there is so much more to this its not even funny~ let me know what you all think.

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my question is : what can i do to make her love me like she used to? how can i make her want to include me in her every day outings?



UNfortunately, you can't MAKE anyone do anything they don't want to do.


There's some trust/jealousy/insecurity issues there, sounds unhealthy. You might want to move on.

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you can't make her do nothing. Probably she just needs space. Let he be her, if ya get me. Make one night or two nights just for yall. Go have dinner or just stay home and cook and rent a movie(can be very romantic). Talk to her. All i have to say.

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you can't make her do nothing. Probably she just needs space. Let he be her, if ya get me. Make one night or two nights just for yall. Go have dinner or just stay home and cook and rent a movie(can be very romantic). Talk to her. All i have to say.


we do that all the time and its not improving anything, the thing is i want to do things to make it work i mean 2 years is two years. we cant go a week without talking to eachother even when were broken up! she has become distant and wants her space and the fact that we dont live together i thought would be enough..

this really sucks!

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Well, like Jack said, you cant MAKE her do anything.


But ask yourself...why would you want to be with a girl who lies to you???

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Well, like Jack said, you cant MAKE her do anything.


But ask yourself...why would you want to be with a girl who lies to you???



true! Ive been dealing with it for quite some time now and it is getting old! we hung out today with her friend(girl) but i had to like struggle to hang out with them it was gay...long story short


my girl calls and says ok hey here are the plans were going to the park meet us. I said ok, then drove over where to were she was at, get there and park walk up and the girl her frined said your not welcom here leave, i then walked off and my girl followed, i said how are you going to stay here when she just told me to leave??? she said im not going to fight with you and stayed there. so i called here once and said if you love me you will leave and come talk to me till there ready to go to the park, she said i do but i want to hang out with my friends i said , i know hun but i just got kicked out!!! come with me or im out, i get a call saying were going to me n eds "WE" want to you to come . I said what is this we bull****?? anyway we hang out go to the park hold hands bla bla bla and While im with them i find out some lies once again and i shrugged them off saying i love this girl she will change..... anyway she is supposed to come over and watch a movie and stay the night, im contemplating going to the bar to get fadded....im not a big drinker at all..

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