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does she really like me?

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Hi everyone, latley I have been having some trouble. I am currently 16 years of age, goto school. Theres this girl she is in a couple of my classes, I'm not sure if she likes me or not she usually grabs onto me and my chest and always finds my jokes funny and has alot of eye contact with me. she tends to grab my arms too, we get along fine and 90% of the time we agree on the same things. I spend alot of time with her but sometimes she seems to wander off without me but most of the time she is very talkative. If I wanted to take this relationship to the next level would I be ruining a good friendship?


what signs do i need to look for in her to know she likes me back? is there anything i could do to get her to like me more? I'm pretty nice to her, always listen, make her laugh. I'm not sure how to tell if she likes me as a friend or more. How should I go about telling her? I won't be seeing her since its holidays so should I ring her or text her? If she does like me why doesn't she come forward?


She made out with some guy about a week ago at a party, and usually she says to me "i swear i just saw him", what is she trying to say?





thanks in advance

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hey, just a thought, as it is the holidays, assuming that ur both at home for a few days at the same time, why dont you just ask her out someday, go see a movie, go to a theme park, something fun and that has distractions so it wudnt be difficult just the 2 of u.


aand if u do that and she accepts the offer, she may like u,

if she avoids the offer, or gets out of it for some odd reason, she may not like u in that way.



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