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So I'm a girl who rarely wears makeup. The other day my bf caught me in the bathroom putting on some eye makeup, he took one look at my modest (by golly, I know it is modest because I have seen the size of my friend's stashes!) kit, looks at me, and does that annoyed tongue click and shakes his head going "Ugh! Too much! You have so much makeup! I like you better without it!"


It shouldn't get to me, but it kinda hurt to see and hear his reaction to seeing me put makeup on. It's like as if he found me completely ugly with it on, and yet the women he constantly calls beautiful are chicks who have a CAKE of makeup on their face and probably don't look anything like they do without it on.


I really don't understand boys. One day they are calling foundation piled women on the street absolute goddesses, then complaining of kissing girls who wear too much makeup, then saying they prefer natural chicks, then complaining when their gf puts on the smallest amount of makeup!


Make up your minds!!

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:laugh: Wonderful, another girl who hardly wears make-up


Personally, I don't think it should matter to anyone if a girl has make-up on or not, but unfortunately in today's society, it's made that girls with make-up are more noticeable \ considered more beautiful. Sadly.


Have you ever considered maybe he loves the fact that you don't wear make-up, because that's what makes you different in a way that he finds unique? :)


And when I put on make-up, I get a LOAD of reactions from my friends (which is also unfortunate) but the point is, it changes how you look. And :D You should be happy he thinks you're beautiful without make up!

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I wouldn't worry about it. Most guys don't have a clue how much makeup all the Hollywood babes wear.


The other thing is that some guys don't like change. They want their mates to always look the same.

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Disregard his statement completely. It is absolutely none of his business how much make up you own, or for that matter how much you choose to use.


The fact that he brought up the subject speaks to his immaturity. While he probably thought he was giving you a compliment (you don't need make up to be attractive), in fact he was forcing his preference on you.


You ladies are "packages". Entering a relationship with the idea of changing the other person is foolhardy.

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burning 4 revenge

I think it would be cool if for one year men wore make up and women didn't. The entire world would seem different just because of one cultural modification. I have a feeling things look better the way they are now, but it would be interesting to see society turned inside out just for curiosity sake. At the same time we could make Pacific time three hours later than Eastern just for good measure and maybe declare business hours from nine at night until five in the morning. That would be totally mind blowing.....but people never have the creativity to do things like this. Same sh*t different day, everday, forever and ever.....

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I think it would be cool if for one year men wore make up and women didn't. The entire world would seem different just because of one cultural modification. I have a feeling things look better the way they are now, but it would be interesting to see society turned inside out just for curiosity sake. At the same time we could make Pacific time three hours later than Eastern just for good measure and maybe declare business hours from nine at night until five in the morning. That would be totally mind blowing.....but people never have the creativity to do things like this. Same sh*t different day, everday, forever and ever.....

Outside world maybe so, same sh*t, but inside world is different. Each day is a new journey to grow, to find new things, learn more love. AND nobody can rob that rejoice in you:)

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I think it would be cool if for one year men wore make up and women didn't. The entire world would seem different just because of one cultural modification. I have a feeling things look better the way they are now, but it would be interesting to see society turned inside out just for curiosity sake. At the same time we could make Pacific time three hours later than Eastern just for good measure and maybe declare business hours from nine at night until five in the morning. That would be totally mind blowing.....but people never have the creativity to do things like this. Same sh*t different day, everday, forever and ever.....


Or why not just do a Freaky Friday thing and men and women could switch bodies for a while? Maybe not a whole year though. But how would we decide whom to switch with?


I think men claim they prefer women without makeup, but what they really prefer is women who apply makeup in a subtle way, so men can't tell it is there. Or, alternately, just the complete whore look for special occasions.

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Well It's obvious that make up makes us prettier. Foundation and powder covers our zits and hides our blemishes. Masacara lengthens our lashes and gives depth to our eyes.


You just gotta wear make up in the right way, who cares what your boyfriend says. He probaly doesn't want you too look hot, and sorry to make assumptions but that is very selfish.


Man I've worn makeup since the 6th grade. I look more tom boyish with out it and alot more girly and sexy with it. Make up can look natural and pretty. Don't over due it though :-p

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burning 4 revenge
Outside world maybe so, same sh*t, but inside world is different. Each day is a new journey
yes, that can be true depending on whether the spicy chicken at taco bell was fresh or not...
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burning 4 revenge
Or why not just do a Freaky Friday thing and men and women could switch bodies for a while? Maybe not a whole year though. But how would we decide whom to switch with?

would you merge bodies with me if given the opportunity?
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yes, that can be true depending on whether the spicy chicken at taco bell was fresh or not...

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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I would much rather have a boyfriend who thought I looked beautiful with out makeup on than what my ex did. He would make comments when I didn't have makeup on and would only compliment me (in any from) if I had makeup on and had straightened my hair.


Just tell your boyfriend that you don't wear a ton of makeup in comparison to other girls and you feel better wearing makeup on occasion. He should understand and leave that topic alone.

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would you merge bodies with me if given the opportunity?


I think that may have happened in a previous life. You were Caesar, and I was one of the Maccabee sisters. It was a star-crossed thing.


Or maybe I was Caesar, and it was a cross-dressed thing.

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Smile. Don't stress out about such an issue, AWM.


Be happy with who you are -and how you look. He likes you just the way you are -and luckily he is still by your side.


Enjoy Your Youth!



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Smile. Don't stress out about such an issue, AWM.


Be happy with who you are -and how you look. He likes you just the way you are -and luckily he is still by your side.


Enjoy Your Youth!




I know, I know. He's a really good and extremely handsome fellow, and although I am comfortable with my looks, I know that I'm not exactly drop dead gorgeous (I think I look pretty boyish actually). But it's ok. But sometimes I can't help wondering what a great looking guy like him is doing with Plain Jane me.


When I put just that extra touch of makeup on, I just feel all that more feminine. I just wish he would still find me beautiful WITH the makeup on too, instead of scolding me for putting it on. It's just a bit of a bruise to the ego when he seems disgusted with me wearing it as if it makes me look more hideous, especially when he's pointing out all the beautiful chicks on the street who are full of makeup. When I put it on, it's actually on days when I'm trying to be more feminine and girly for him, but >.< I guess he doesn't see it that way...


Also, I don't pile on makeup so it completely changes my face. Like other people have said here, I too prefer it very light and subtle, natural colors too.

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