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I'd like your opinions on a new development from my break up.


My cousin still talks to my ex whom broke it off with me back in January, just a day short of our 5 month anniversary. While I'm well aware that 5 months is not 5 years, we still got pretty close. In the last month, we began to fight and fight over the littlest things. She wanted more attention from me and I wanted more from her is what it came down to.


From the way she called it quits and the things she said at the time and then in the weeks that followed, I get the sense breaking up wasn't really something she wanted to do. I had, in the last week of our relationship, not responded to all of her text messages, which was different from what I'd normally done, and then when I'd see her at work (we worked together) I wasn't giving her a hello nor a goodbye kiss...she's told me this is what prompted her to break it off. I tried to reason with her --- as I write this I think about it and I was begining to grow annoyed with her as she was always in my space begging for attention. If I could go back knowing this, I'd've just asked her for some space... I want her back because I feel things could work between us with some compromise.


But the point...we went for coffee a few weeks after the split and she explained to me that there's just nothing left for her. And that it was comming anyway because we were both about to start new jobs and would be working so many hours more. My cousin spoke with her last weekend and asked her about the breakup and she told him that I was just too young for her (she's an immature 20 and I'm a young 22) and that she's looking for someone 25 to 30. It just doesn't fit together. Her answers keep shifting. Not only that, I called for a break 2 months into our relationship, for a week, and when we got back together I told her something similar: I need a young woman and not a girl.


I think that yeah, she's upset or was hurt by my performance in the last week of our relationship but didn't really want to pull the trigger on me...I think she misses me and keeps finding reasons not to try to come back.

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It seems to me you want her back and therefore are deluding yourself by putting connotation and definition to the words she's actually SAYING to spin them to your favor. She might miss you or care about you but she is probably very serious about wanting to be with someone else and not you.

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