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when is it classed as cheating and when is it flirting?

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ive been with my bf for a year n a 1/2 nearly, things have always been major highs n major lows wi us. i love him, love hurts n is gr8 innit.


anyway it all started becoming mor complex near our 1 year anniversary where we became a bit distant n harsh on each other, during that time little did i know that he got off wi my best m8 n didnt tell me. meanwhile i got sick o bein ignored n told not to moan all da time n then 1 night he was real horrid via tx to me n all my m8s. i thought it was alcohol again, turned out it was a pannic attack.


anyways i spent a week away from him on the week of our anniversary thinkin things ova n began flirtin mor wi my male friend. on our anniversary i was sad that my bf didnt make the effort to turn up. afta that he sorta apologised so we made up n had a gr8 night tog.


then that night i went out wi my m8s. i decided suddendly when we were out that i dnt wanna b wi him no mor coz hed hurt me. so i went and tried to pull my male m8 id always had an innocent flirty rel with.


i didnt work but i told my bf the next day it was ova coz i wanted sum1 else n it wasnt workin betw us nemor.


the next week i pulled 1 lad on the mon night 4 the sake of rebound n done sexual stuff but not sex wi him.


i then decided stupidly to reinforce to my now ex bf that i wudnt av actually done nethin wi my m8 had he sed yes by txn him tellin him id pulled a guy wi a hot bod but it had felt wrong evn tho wed broke up n how i wasn comparin him to him n he wasnt nethin to me compared to him.


he got angry n told me hed got off wi my best m8 so ha.


we argued n he hurt me some mor.


wed night i felt guilty pulling n it felt wrong so i dnt go out aimin to pull i was dressed in combats n tank top no make up. went out wi m8s to cheer up. a m8s m8s m8 was out n we got chattin n flirtin n dancin. i ended up wi him at mine n we had sex. he was a really nice lad n tho we had aggreed by my terms that itd only b a 1 night thing he stayed at mine most the day huggin me n then we went to his n hugged sum mor coz i decided that afta this day i wudnt c him again.


on thurs i was depressed n ended up ringin my now ex bf n he looked afta me. it felt good but awkward. by da end o the week afta mor time apart he was round mine visitin my flatmate n cin if i was ok now n then we ended up in bed tog coz we cudnt resist n we were back tog, but not officially.


thought bou it up till xmas.


afta much thinkin it was time 2 move on i suddendly changed my mind n decided to officially get back wi him.


few months l8r n i felt we shud break up. went out 1 night cuda pulled loadsa lads even brought 1 back to my house but i wudnt evn kiss him. we talked n i sent him home. it felt wrong. got back wi my bf a day afta.


now i feel wrong coz tho he knows that amongst this i slept in same bed wi my m8 who i av a soft spot 4 (fully clothed wi no intentions o owt, dnt evn kiss) n he knows bou the lad i tlkd to that night n sent home, he doesnt know iv been flirtin online wi an old hol romance from portugal n he doesnt know me n his best friend got close but dnt kiss or touch or nethin too.


i feel guilty as nethin tho i know iv not cheated i feel like iv been unfaithful n i love him so y am i doin dis. its all drivin me mad.


opinions plz!

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Honestly? I couldn't get through reading your post.


But to answer your original question, I'd say it's cheating if it's something you wouldn't do in front of your SO.

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You're too young to be in love. End this poisonous relationship before you ruin your boyfriend, and then go enjoy yourself. Worry about love when you mature another 10 years.

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All those paragraphs and it was far too difficult to decipher for me to actually read what you wrote.


I agree with Aloros.

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I'd say it's cheating if it's something you wouldn't do in front of your SO.


Yes. I agree. Let's say he was doing what you were doing...Wouldn't it upset you or make you feel hurt/jealous?

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Spelling and grammar might help with this issue...


Sounds like you need to grow up a bit anyways...

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