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I have been married over 16 years and never once strayed, although I have had plenty of opportunities as a traveling salesman in the fitness industry. But recently, something happened and I don't know what to do. My best friend was leaving town for 2 weeks and needed some work done on his house. My wife, who I have never kept a secret from (I even told her about the solicitations from other women while on the road) insisted I fix my buddy's house while he was gone as a surprise. My buddy trusts me and his wife, and so I agreed to spend a couple of days at his house (not sleeping over, just working a few hours). Well, his wife, who is attractive, at least to most men, has always been a source of low intensity jealousy for my wife. I always told my wife that she was nuts on this case, and all 4 of us have been quite good friends for several years.


Anyway, she made several intense passes at me while I was there. I had to physically restrain her hands several times. I wasn't sure what to do. If I left and didn't finish the work, everybody would have to know why. So I made her follow me into the LR and look at a big picture of her husband and think how bad she would feel if she ever betrayed him. I thought maybe she just had a lapse in judgment, or perhaps the Bud Lite went to her head. So I forgot about it (or rather pretended to) the next day when I went back to finish. She was even more adamant this time, and wore a low cut tight shirt to show off her cleavage and again tried to grab me and take me right there in her kitchen. I responded the same as I did before.


Now, my buddy is back and he does not know anything. Neither does my wife. But the two women have had a falling out, and the other couple's consensus is that my wife is moody and tempermental, and the other woman's feelings are hurt by an insignificant thing my wife side (while we were fighting).


Now here I am. Do I just nod and apologize for my wife's rude behavior, or do I tell my best friend that his wife is a cheater, and that she has no right whatsoever to act like a victim between the two.


I really have no idea what to do. I don't want to see a friendship and marriage break up, but I am tired of the other woman playing victim when her feelings are hurt over words while she is trying to seduce her husbands best friend.


Confused in California

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