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Oh damn that long black hair!

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I'm still waiting ... I go to lunch at 1.


I think he just wants to talk about last night. It was pretty bad. Im still mad at him though for not picking up then getting mad at me for getting mad and staying out all night with his friends when we were sipposed to leave together. He's not flipping this on me.

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my general rule is -


when the bad outweighs the good - it's time to say adios!


just tell him you want to back away for a while so as to avoid all these conflicts...


ps... i bet $100. he's dating that gal... sorry...

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So he made ZERO effort to see you on your birthday and now he's gonna come and blame you, nice.

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So he made ZERO effort to see you on your birthday and now he's gonna come and blame you, nice.


Oh hell no it wasn't my birthday it was my friends 21st. Hes not crazy enough to ditch me on my birthday lol :mad:


Anyways the update is good!


He brought me flowers for lunch and we spoke about a lot of things. I released all the thoughts I had flying in my head. He apologized for last night. Said he was intoxicated and not thinkin clearly but he was just upset because he really had not heard the phone over the loud music and became frustrated when I was yelling at him for not picking up his phone. He showed me mean texts that i had written him when i was intoxicated and upset that i didn't even remember sending. lol oops:o He was upset because I was yelling at him and he was embarassed in front of his guy friends.


Anwyas..I explained my concern about him putting the frat first and his friends before me. He said he didn't know it was affecting me so bad. He said he will not have them over anymore and he will make more of an effiort to split his time between the frat and me fairly. He just told me he has a job interview by my job so if he gets it we will have lunch everyday. He says he loves me and doesn't want to lose me and that he is willing to do w/e it takes to make it work. That we have been doing so great..not to lose the momentum. He assures me he has nothing with that girl nor any girl that he only has eyes for me that I am his life and I really need to just trsut him.


So we are ok. And the black haired girl is moving in two weeks never to return! Sayonara biotch lol :D

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Oh hell no it wasn't my birthday it was my friends 21st. Hes not crazy enough to ditch me on my birthday lol :mad:


Anyways the update is good!




Ah okay, I thought it was your 21st birthday, that would have been BAD. Good to hear the positive news.

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I'm just happy he is willing to fix the issues. Because for a while there it was deal with it or shuut up kinda thing. Now hes more like ok ok I will change.


I think its because he FINALLY understood that I dont think that by them going over he will cheat or that im trying to control him by saying that they can't go over so much...but its the respect thing. He finally understands.


That and in the texts I sent while I was typsy I kept saying Im fine, smart, and funny and can rock your world and I'm not afraid of walking away from you in a split second so you decide how you want things to be. lmao. He got scurred.


Its ok TB can we still jello wrestle? :laugh:


lol Allina no way had that been my birthday my thred title would have been "Ok so i ran my bf over 5 times now what?" :D

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