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How good looking do you *think* you are?


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Ok, following something I read in another thread about how 99% of people think they are above average, I thought about starting this thread just for fun.


How good looking do you think you are? Just deep deep inside, how do you see yourself?


The option are...

1. Stunning

2. Above average

3. Average

4. Below average

5. Ugly


Personally, *surprise surprise*, I'd say 2! (above average). I am curious to see if 99% of people really think the same :)

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I'd have to say somewhere between above average and stunning. I get a lot of looks and a good deal of strangers telling me how beautiful and/or exotic-looking they think I am. Maybe I'm too self-critical (I think I could stand to have my nose be a tad shorter), but I'd say stunning is a stretch.

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Last time I did Ecstacy, I was absolutely stunning. Of course, that was twenty years ago, which helped a lot too.


I'm usually way above average after at least two drinks.


Above average on a good hair, good mood day.


Average? Not really ever.


Below average on a bad hair, bad mood day.


When I look in the mirror first thing in the morning, scary.

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0. Brad Pitt's succesor

1. Stunning

2. Above average

3. Average

4. Below average

5. Ugly






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Ok, following something I read in another thread about how 99% of people think they are above average, I thought about starting this thread just for fun.


How good looking do you think you are? Just deep deep inside, how do you see yourself?


The option are...

1. Stunning

2. Above average

3. Average

4. Below average

5. Ugly


Personally, *surprise surprise*, I'd say 2! (above average). I am curious to see if 99% of people really think the same :)


I really don't know.


I have enough self esteem to not consider myself ugly, but I also am not the cocky type to consider my looks.


Just for kicks I will say that I am a handsome little devil.;)

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Just for kicks I will say that I am a handsome little devil.;)


That sounds so gay :laugh::p

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Depends on the day. But then again I'm in denial if I think I'm some stunning model where guys drop to the ground and worship.

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That sounds so gay :laugh::p


That was sort of the point.:laugh:


I did quote Alice Cooper though. I never thought that anything he said would sound gay.:confused:

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On hot or not I was a good solid 8.5 .. I think if my body was more buff I would've pushed a 9 or 9.5-- But that was about 2 years ago.. Today I think I'm about an 8...


or between 1 and 2 on the OP's scale but closer to 2

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Solid 4 and proud of it!!!


I like being fugly. Makes me feel... spethal. :p


I got my mom's large italian nose, and my dads big round head. Nothing cutier than a diminutive person with a charlie brown head and a big nose. :laugh::D:laugh:

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Nothing cutier than a diminutive person with a charlie brown head and a big nose. :laugh::D:laugh:

hold on...let me get a football :lmao:

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I honestly don't know. Women keep telling me I'm good looking. Where I rate on a scale I have no idea. Next time I hear that I'm gonna ask where I fit on a scale from 1 to 10.

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I'm apparently better looking than I think... then again... I get stuck seeing my face everyday... and It is kinda like looking at wall paper... after so many years.. kinda don't notice any more..


But I do have ruggedly handsome Irish features... with piercing eyes that make the ladies melt...:laugh:


This is a fun thread...:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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Ok, following something I read in another thread about how 99% of people think they are above average, I thought about starting this thread just for fun.


How good looking do you think you are? Just deep deep inside, how do you see yourself?


The option are...

1. Stunning

2. Above average

3. Average

4. Below average

5. Ugly


Personally, *surprise surprise*, I'd say 2! (above average). I am curious to see if 99% of people really think the same :)


I average somewhere between a 2 and a 4 depending on the day...

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haha - - funny. I gotta say it, I'm stunning! Men would lay red velvet carpet when I walked into the room. Everyone stops breathing. Oh but wait - I think that's in the movies. Damn.


Honestly, I don't believe people generally look in the mirror to figure out if they're beautiful or not, or am stunned by what they look like on a day to day basis. Sure, I'll admit. I could be glamourous that calls for attention when the night calls for it, and I could be super ugly with sweats and people don't even give a second glance. But that entirely depends on what and how you present yourself. Stunning, as if people would just notice you when you walk by.. you would have to be strikingly tall and flowing hair or something. who knows, i like what I see.. but other people may think otherwise.


Ok, i'll say it.. i'm a cocky b--ch

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I'm apparently better looking than I think... then again... I get stuck seeing my face everyday... and It is kinda like looking at wall paper... after so many years.. kinda don't notice any more..


But I do have ruggedly handsome Irish features... with piercing eyes that make the ladies melt...:laugh:


This is a fun thread...:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:


My point exactly, even if you are hansome or pretty; I think you sort of get stuck looking at it on a daily routine. You would hardly think of it anymore .. the only thing I would notice if i had grown a pimple or my jeans don't fit me the same; thats when I start freaking out. Girl thing I suppose. I hardly think you sit and analyze your physical attributes until you notice something's wrong.. then it becomes a problem. If you just ignore it, it'll only get worse and you'll wonder why and how you've gained 30 lbs in 1 mo.

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