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...he couldnt hang out coz he had a family thing


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Ok, so i like this guy at work...he's kind of cocky but he's nice. I told anotherco-worker i was interested. Than the same co-worker told me he was interested in me too. So acouple of weeks ago i got the courage to give him my number. He didnt call but he asked me that saturday to hang out w/ him and his friends so we hung out and kissed me that night, he wasnt drunk either. So anyways he hasnt called me since and i always talk to him at work, and he's giving me mixed signals. It's like he acts like he likes me but yet hes notacting like a guy who likes a girl. I"m so confused and i asked him to hangout but he said he would let me know... than the said he couldnt hang out coz he had a family thing, but he asked me after that what i was doing another day... ugh feedback please what does anyone think???






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