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Is it cheating or bi......


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I have the most usual question in the world . My question is how do you know if a guy is cheating on you?Especially a guy who is not into sexual intimacy? Either that or how do you know if a guy a bisexual? Because I have a feeling that my boyfriend now is one of the two.





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I don't know why most of the girls ask these questions. I don't see boys asking these questions. Why the girls are so insecured? By not trusting someone, you would achieve nothing but losing your peace of mind and happiness. Doubting someone is a kind of disease. It won't stop in one point. It keeps increasing.


To my knowledge, there is no sure way of knowing whether a guy is bisexual or not. Unless or until, you see him not doing with a guy. Confused? You cannot see what he doesn't do. So you have to see when he does. He is not going to tell you before he does. So you are going to pray to god so you can see him doing? Ultimately, you will find yourself confused and miserable, not knowing whether to believe what he is telling or not etc. When you trust someone, there is always a risk of betrayal. You have to take that risk.


Are you still interested to know whether a guy cheats on you? Well. You can unethically sneak into his e-mails. You can look into his books for other girls name. You can look into his wallet for girsl-related-gifts bills. Smell of different perfume. Showing him up unexpectedly. Check his voice mail when he takes shower or not in house. Look at his eyes when you realise, he is trying to lie to you. He can't meet your eyes. When people lie, they avoid eye-to-eye contact or any lie signs like scratching the head, partially closing the mouth, rubbing the ears or eyes or neck.


My question now. Won't feel bad of yourself for doing all these kind of thiefly activities?



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Richie's right...


You can't always doubt people. You'll never really know for sure unless he tells you. The only thing you can do is to ask him... but know that if you ask him and you're wrong, he will be deeply offended.


If you don't trust him enough to know whether your boyfriend's bi or not... maybe you shouldn't be dating him.

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Winter, I have a comment for you and a question for Richie. Why would it be necessary for you to resort to what most men think you are doing when their backs are turned anyway? Most men think that the only way we (women) can find things out that they otherwise want to keep hidden- is to snoop.


What most men, and surprisingly a lot of women, don't know is that we have a far better tools to gauge men's honesty, or lack their of, with us. Common Sense and Intuition. Why do men think that its within our character to take such a passive and sneaky approach instead of a more logical one? Ask yourself a series of questions (based of course, upon how well you know him). What is it that makes me question his sexuality. Is it his lack of intimacy shown towards me? Does he speak often about sexuality? Does he demonstrate behavior inconsistent with a typical red-blooded male? Does he act differently when around memebers of the same sex. Do you get the overall feeling that he is holding back something from you?


If so, do some investigative work. Do you know any of his old girlfriends or friends? Most importantly ask questions. You don't have to put him on the spot, under a spotlight, but casually ask questions and sometimes ask those same questions in a different way at a different time to make sure the answers are consitent.


You need not buy the notion that all girls snoop or invade others property to find out what we need to b/c we're smarter than that, and can get the same results by using a different approach.


And if you become convinced that he is either playing on you or is bi-sexual...dump him. If he's cheating on you, then what you have is a person who is not showing you the courtesy of being honest. And if you find out he is bi-sexual, dump him...because he is terribly confused and could br putting you in harms way.

I have the most usual question in the world . My question is how do you know if a guy is cheating on you?Especially a guy who is not into sexual intimacy? Either that or how do you know if a guy a bisexual? Because I have a feeling that my boyfriend now is one of the two. Thanks Winter
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