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total behavior change

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Okay, so a while back I posted about this girl that I was interested in. She said that she wasnt ready for a relationship, but we continued to see each other until I came back down to school to finish out my last semester. She then stopped talking to me and responding to my messages, so I just let it go. Now she's sending me messages on a daily basis again, and we ended up talking for several hours on the phone this past weekend about nothing in particular. Now, Im a little confused because we were close and going out a lot..then she stops responding to me...and now we are talking again..so I dont know if I should take this as a sign that maybe she's coming around...or if I should just be cautious about the whole thing. Here is the backstory from my previous post if you are interested http://www.loveshack.org/forums/t113582/


any advice on this turn of events? Thanks

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We werent really talking through the end of february and into about the 20th of March. I figured that was a possibility...Im sorta hoping that maybe she's tired of getting used and abused and that maybe she's finally realized that I genuinely care about her...I just dont know

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I certainly hope thats not the case. We are talking about like we were when we were sort of seeing each other, and she starts off about 98% of our conversations. The other day I didnt say anything to her because she had to work, and she sent me a "whats up? havent heard from you" text message. Im trying to play it cool and see if it will lead in the direction I want it to go..crossing my fingers

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I can't seem to get this feeling of despair. Can't seem to escape the overall general shade of 'whatever' I do, it just is there. Overwrought. I guess at this point in time, I just carry on, and do what I will, however it feels hopeless right now.


At noon today, I will put my beloved 'best friend' down. Where I used to work and live yrs ago. Funny, it was where I got my start w/life, but then again that is a time ago. I used to take her for walks, every day and look at the waterscape and me and her were two peas in a pod. I also took her every where w/me. Literally. My heart is crumbling as I write. I am not sure I can say my goodbye to her as she has been with me for 12+ yrs! She is every little thing to me and with all that appears to be gone I feel deeply saddened that I must do what is selfish in my heart but must as she is blinded by her desire to go on. Is this wrong? I am sick, and alone, hurt by the thought I must say goodbye to her forever...


Lately I have not been able to trust or ignore the ongoing hardships. It seems like a played out revue, I am disgusted by how brutal life can be and hurtful to the point others sell themselves out for what? Honestly, as I have tried to be only aggravated my situation, so I will not inquire to those that I know have either used me or abused. Now, I don't ask, and will not answer to those that have betrayed my love or trust, efforts to willingly excuse time and time again. My life has been damaged and truthfully, I know they understand. But, I will and refuse to a part of that equation of what is.


Now, I have to release the last part of life I dearly loved unconditionally and I feel my heart, what is left is broken eternally. Time will heal? No it never stops the tears that flow, and like a river I will find the end for her pain and suffering too.


May God bless us, in our time in need. For give us, and forsake us, and return us to deliver, to Jesus, son of our Lord God.

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