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Moai, Bible think of "equal" far advance than you


Nope. The Bible says that women should pray with their heads covered, that they should not speak in church at all, that their pain in childbirth should be magnified because Eve was more culpable than Adam for The Fall, etc.


If the Bible were all about sexual equality, women would not have had to fight to get the vote, and right now they would make the same as men for the same work. Currently they make 70% of what a man does.


This is in the US, where 94% of people believe in god, and 56% identify themselves as believing the Bible to be literally true. Given that the US is a democracy, they should be able to change the disparity in women's pay in one election. Yet the Equal Rights Amendment is opposed at every turn, by these specific believers. How can this be, if the Bible is far in advance of my ideas about equality?

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Your avatar is disgusting


Thank you for saying that LB… It was unbearable to look upon…I am so glad its been changed. Thank you enema for switching aviators.:D

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