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What does he want??

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Theres a guy I used to work with...we have been friends for 3+ years. JUST friends! I have never really seen him as much more.

In december we were hangin out with another mutual friend of ours...alcohol involved...and after our friend passed out...well, we started making out...etc...

After that we kind of sort of started seeing each other.

He would call me every night, and text me before he went to bed to say good night...and this went on for a while, and then all of a sudden, it just stopped. No more phone calls, no more text messages...always too busy...i used to see him at least 2 times a week...and nothing.

Now you have to understand, theres a bit of a cultural difference between us, he is expected to be married in the next few years, and his parents never knew we were "seeing each other".

We went for dinner one night, and it was as though everythign had changed. We were out solely as friends. There was no holding hands, there was no kissing, there was no nothing. Kinda messed me up a bit. I thought i had done something wrong, so i called him on it. He told me that he was just really busy, had a lot on his mind (hes a full time student and works full time) and i can understand that he was busy, so i decided that i would take this as a sign that he thougth we should just be friends, and i was ok with it.


Then the other night i was out with a few mutual friends, and he happend to be there too. when he was leaving he said bye to all of them, asked me to walk him to his car...so i did...and then he kissed me!


I haddnt seen/talked to him in over 3 weeks. It was completly out of nowhere. And then he called me the next day, and the next...


So, now i dont know what to think. I know he has finals coming up, but he still wont tell his parents about me...and i dont know if hes just screwing with my head or really has feelings for me. Please advise...any thoughts...

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He probably has feelings for you but has been sufficiently programmed by his family to accept what they want for him. Forget the romance--all he'll ever be to you is a friend and quite possibly only until he graduates. Then he's off to start his life in his culture and you just don't fit into that picture.


Of course I could be wrong but I've seen this kind of thing before.

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He probably likes you but is afraid of getting too close and when he starts to get too close he pulls back. But then when he sees you remembers how much he likes you. I say let him have his space. If it's meant to be, he will come back for good. If not, consider it was nice while it lasted.

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