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Do opposites attract


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There's this guy that I work with that I've known for about a year. We both broke up with our significant other about the same time a year ago. Since we both knew what the other was going through we became pretty close friends. I really care about this guy and lately I can't stop thinking about him. The problem is, is that neither one of us want to be in a relationship with anyone because we've both been hurt before. Also, he is the total opposite of me. We rarley agree on anything, we like different movies, music, both have pretty different views on life, and he does stuff that I don't and really don't agree with. but when I'm with him, none of that really seems to matter because we have fun together and can disagree without arguing about everything. So my question is, does anyone think that I should tell him how I feel, although I guess I really don't know how I feel. He has shown some signs recently that he has feelings for me, but i don't want to misread them and loose a great friendship. HELP!!! Guys, would you rather have a girl tell you how she feels, even if you don't feel the same? Or would you rather her, keep to herself and let you bring it up first?

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Figure out how you feel first, because if you don't know you could get into something your not ready for and loose your good friend. But once you have figured it out and you know you love him then you go right ahead and tell him. Because if you don't he will not know.

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Have you ever heard the addage, Be careful what you wish for, it may come true?


As a woman, I can tell you this...No matter if its been one day or one year, sometimes we're not as ready to get invovled in another serious relationship if the scars aren't fully healed. I mean that for both of you. Sometimes you can be over a person, but have the same unresolved issues. Surely you don't want to carry any bad habits into something new.


So the first question you should ask yourself is Am I ready?


Second, you mentioned differences. I can also tell you this, either the differences will compliment each other or they will combat each other. And from personal experience, the latter can be hell. You did say that you have the ability to agree to disagree, which is more than half the battle.


Think about what your differences are. Are they differences you can live with (10-30 years down the road)?


For now, continue to take it slow. But remain cautious. Do what you can to prevent your heart getting broken and your friendship too.

There's this guy that I work with that I've known for about a year. We both broke up with our significant other about the same time a year ago. Since we both knew what the other was going through we became pretty close friends. I really care about this guy and lately I can't stop thinking about him. The problem is, is that neither one of us want to be in a relationship with anyone because we've both been hurt before. Also, he is the total opposite of me. We rarley agree on anything, we like different movies, music, both have pretty different views on life, and he does stuff that I don't and really don't agree with. but when I'm with him, none of that really seems to matter because we have fun together and can disagree without arguing about everything. So my question is, does anyone think that I should tell him how I feel, although I guess I really don't know how I feel. He has shown some signs recently that he has feelings for me, but i don't want to misread them and loose a great friendship. HELP!!! Guys, would you rather have a girl tell you how she feels, even if you don't feel the same? Or would you rather her, keep to herself and let you bring it up first?
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