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Friendship After Asking Her Out!!!!

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I'm new to this website and this is my first thread, so please bare with me if i mess anything up--


My problem is that I've been friends with this girl since 6th grade, then she moved, and shortly after that me and my family moved to the same place. So in short, I've known her for awhile. Now were in 8th grade together at this new school, and she has a few classes together with me and we talk often. Now, since we moved to this new place I've wanted to ask her out, but I'm worried that if I ask her and she says no, she'll look at me as a creep instead of a friend and wont talk to me and try to stay away from me. (worried that asking her out will ruin are friendship.) What should i do? Any advice?


Thanks in Advance

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So - you've been friends a while and you're afraid that asking her out will ruin your friendship if she says no.


If she says no - it very well may ruin the friendship you two have, but only if you let things become awkward. If you can each still play the part of 'just friends' with the knowledge that she doesn't think about you that way - then everything will be fine. If the friendship is worth keeping - then it should be no problem at all.


Now - if she say yes, and somewhere down the line things go bad - then it may be over altogether for both of you. But you can also stay friends if you work hard enough.


Also - if she say yes, it may turn into something beautiful and well worth the risk.


Friendship is all fine and well, but if you are longing for a relationship with her, go ahead and ask her out. The reward is well worth the risk in my eyes. Just be prepared for the worst, and be ready and willing to continue the friendship just as friends if that is the case. That will help you both to move on if she answers no.


But just think what a yes answer will mean! I am kinda shy myself, so I usually get a group outing arranged where we can have lots of fun together with friends first - and then attempt to get her to a quieter more private location for a real date. Basically testing the waters before jumping in. If you feel like just jumping in - be ready for a possible shock in her answer, but hope for the best.


Good luck!

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i know how you feel on this issue. but you gotta be man enough and just ask her out or something like that. it will get worse the longer you hold your feelings for her inside. Just take it easy and SLOW and you should be fine.

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Definetly know exactly where you are coming from because i am in 8th grade too and worried about the same thing. If you are afraid of a "no" you should try and feel her out on the topic and try to see if her feelings are mutual before asking her out. If she does feel the same way then she is probably afraid of losing the friendship too if something goes wrong. Your best chance is to go for it and speaking from experience once you do start dating take it SLOW and DONT always be worrying about if you are doing something wrong or acting differently because then you will start to and you wont be yourself. If you do decide to date and something goes wrong later on it is truly up to you to keep the friendship i have learned that from dating my bestfriend on and off for the last year and everytime we have broken up things have been a little shaky for a bit but then we only end up learning more and new things about eachother and im planning on asking her to be my girlfriend again next time i see her=]......good luck

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