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she misses me but cancels

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The girl i have talked about in my other posts cancelled on going bowling last night. We were talking the night before 4/8/07 on AIM and she had told me how much she missed me because we hadnt seen eachother since thursday and i felt the same way and told her so. Then we decided to go bowling and she had called a few of her friends and i called a few of mine and we were supposed to go bowling the following night. Later in the online conversation she had admitted how much she likes me and a few things that were on her mind and after helping her out with a few quick words of addice i was ready for some sleep so we said our "goodnight i love you" and then off to bed i went. No more than a half an hour later did she call me on my cell phone to talk, after about 45 min. we said goodbye. Around 2 the next day she was with some of her friends at the mall and had one of her friends call me and cancel for that night because she had a friends birthday party to go to that i guess she didnt remember about and she had her friend cancel because she was afraid to tell me and was afraid i would be mad at her. So i still went but with some other people and the whole night i was thinking and didnt really have much fun. Am i making to big of a deal out of this???

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Has she done this before?


In my experience, if a woman you're dating cancels plans with you for any reason OTHER than being ill or having to work late, it's usually a sign that she's not that into you. Like the relationship itself, not just the date, she's keeping you as her backup in case nothing better comes along.


(If your GF calls to cancel due to illness, if she's really into you she'd love nothing better than for you to come over anyway for a low-key night.)


I've had this happen to me before, with the girl I'm dating canceling plans. The first time, I was a bit dense about reading the signals, plus I was getting some seriously mixed messages. The second time, it was pretty damned clear. In both cases, the relationships ended.

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Honestly....I think she's probably gay. She's definitely exhibiting these characteristics. Her girlfriend is her.....girlfriend.

At least you know now and can move on.

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