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We hooked up while his "girlfriend" is in Rehab

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I just got out of this tumultous LTR. 2 weeks ago i go out and try to clear my head and find new prospects. I never thought it would be so quick. Ofcourse the quickest way to leave my ex in the past would be to hit the bar scene with my friends. I meet this great looking guy, and it turns out he has a girlfriend who's in Rehab in L.A, but will move over to NY in 2 months. The next day he calls and wants to hang out, i go over and chill with him and his buddies. We all socialize, i chill with one of his buddies, but still he comes onto me in such a direct way, i push him away, i remind him that he has a GF numerous times (she calls him like 5 times a day). He mentions that he loves her, but cannot keep his hands to himself, kisses me, and can't stop complimenting me from head to toe. Which is just what i want to hear after a breakup, i wanted to be wanted. The next night he calls and we meet up and I just couldn't help it and we do it. It was amazing, better than my ex and more (!!) Right after sex she calls him various times while we're still in bed, until he picks up. Right away i get up and put my clothes on, he grabs my hand and tells her that he will call her later.


We've been hanging every other day since we met. He called me drunk last week 10 times! at 3AM and tells me he had an awful day and that he needed me (?!) i go over and we just snuggle and i take care of him. Then he says he loves me just for being there with him, we had a deep talk, but i know he wasn't sober so i just listen. He's also younger 22, i am 25. Another emotional rollercoaster.


Yes i feel horrible, he's a scumbag and i knew he was in a relationship, and i was weak to his charms and persistance. On Saturday we got into an argument (already!) because i was being COLD. And i stormed out, but apologized by text. Silly me.


He texts back and wishes me a happy easter. and that was the end of it, i never replied back since then. I don't wanna get emotionally involved with him. But i cannot stop thinking about this guy and the next time i feel him next to me, this is so wrong but if he calls i'm afraid i will fall for it. What do i do??!

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Alcoholics who lie and cheat on their significant others always make great marriage material. this is only a temporary act... when you actually get serious or married the true wonderful man that he is hiding on the inside will manifest himself and you'll live happily ever after.


the end.

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I want to say "shame on you", but being a woman myself I can understand that our emotions sometimes get the best of us. But still, "shame on you!" ;)


You have to keep telling yourself over and over all the reasons you should not talk to him. Like you said, you are fresh out of a relationship, your emotions are raw and sensitive, you have to toughen up to these types of situations with men. ALWAYS think of the other woman, put yourself in her shoes and remind yourself what a dirtbag he is. How could you not think about her when you were 'with' him. What if it were your man and he did this to you behind your back during your very weakest moment in life? I think this guy is bad news altogether and every woman needs to run when he comes near. Please don't give in, you are 25 and now single, take this time to get in touch with yourself and to contemplate what you want out of life, and I am sure that being with a guy like this is not it...you have so much to look forward to, you have a future to start planning for, and do not make him a part of it.


One thing that worries me, you mentioned that you went out to "find new prospects", please don't think that you need another man to replace the one you just split with...be independent for a while and enjoy life...think about the characteristics you want in a future mate, don't settle for just anyone, even if just for 'play'. I don't know what you meant by that, but I wanted to add my 2 cents just in case.

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You barely know this guys after two weeks. You're extremely vulnerable and guys like this pick up on it and move in for the kill.


Walk away before this slime ball does worse damage.

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My advice is to stop answering his calls/texts and stay away from him... but I was in a very similar situation not too long ago and no matter how many people told me to get away I just couldn't resist when he called. This guy even went as far as to break up with his gf (they were together for 2 years) for me, and just when I started getting comfortable with the whole situation, his ex called and he left me to go back to her.


Looking back the whole thing helped me get over my ex, who I had been with for over 2 years.


Either get away now or be prepared for what will happen when his gf gets out of rehab in 2 months.

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