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Just A Word Of Advice

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[color=blue][/color]I would just like to say to all the people that are strugling with relationships, that if you really love somebody and they mean the whole world to you , and you really beleive in god , and you believe that you and that person are nothing else other than meant to be with one another, then time will do it's work and belief's and hopes are the best thing to have, and of course your own will power.



Mary Christmas to everbody and Happy New Year and I wish everybody the best in relationships.

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Oh my god Vili19! I really needed to read that. My g/f of almost 3 years reared her ugly bi-polar, manic depression and dumped me on Thanksgiving and I've been so down. She actually told to off when she moved out and then she called me on X-mas Eve.


She was crying, depressed and so upset. She finally made an appointment to seek help.


I really fell hard for her and feel "somewhat lost" w/o her.


She was so happy and surprised that I gave her a "I care" Christmas card w/ a gift certificate to her favorite store.


She told me that she was really thinking about us since "she did that."


She was so down, so out of my heart, I sent her a dozen roses at her work the next day with just a general card that read that I wished her better times, I was there for her and that I was thinking, caring and praying for her.


I plan on just laying low and letting time take its course, showing her that I still care and continuing the prayers.


Thanks for the post!

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