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I am going to ask her out =]

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I have been posting threads on this website for only about a week now and i havent gotten much out of it except that i can go back and see what i wrote and how i felt. Last night the girl that cancelled on going bowling talked to me and was apologizing because she felt so bad and wanted me to come over and watch movies. So i went to my best firends/ex-girlfriends/kinda unnoficial girlfriends house to watch movies with her and her best friend who has made many problems and aided in the ending of our relationships before. I wasnt quite feeling myself because i think i am coming down with something from being outside in the cold for lacrosse but the whole night everytime i looked at her i couldnt help thinking how adorable she is. She acts so differently outside of school too and is alot more relaxed and even sweeter. Next time i see her in person I am going to ask her to my girlfriend again despite the fact that the few people i told dont understand why i would do this if it hasnt worked before. I want to make more special memories with her like the time that we returned from our 8th grade washington D.C. trip and on the trip things were a little rough with us because of other people trying to put down our relationship, so anyways we had just gotten off the busses a little before 10 p.m. and her parents had greated her and i was off to the side on the sidewalk, alone, waiting for my parents to come and just as she started to leave with her family she came running over to me, put her arms around my waist looked at me right in the eyes and said "im sorry for everything this trip but you know that i love you, right?" and i had my arms around her and i looked at her almost about to cry and i told her that i know she does and that i love her too, then we held eachother in our arms for a few seconds, kissed and then said goodbye. No matter how much we may want things to stay the same people and feelings change, I only wish these people could understand and not judge what they know absolutely nothing about. SO NEXT TIME I SEE HER I AM GOING TO ASK HER TO BE MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!:D

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