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The Hot Neighbor!

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I am new to this but I need advice! I have been with Mr. wonderful for almost 3yrs. and we have a little girl who is my heart and I am engaged, but it seems since I have gotten engaged things have change and maybe its me thinking too much but my BF is slacking on chores I do everything and now that I think about it I always have he lived at home until he was 28 and mommy did everything. Well this was beginning to bother me along with other small relationship things I was working on and then...... The HOT Neighbor moved in! OMG this guy is soo hot and I know I don't know him very well but he seems like one of those perfect guys (minus the 2 kids and the divorce) but he bought the house next door and completely re-did it and it looks great! His house is always perfectly clean and smells good, he is always playing with his kids and working around the house he is not lazy and he's a lot like me he's a do it yourselfer and a perfectionist. He fixed my fence and mowed my lawn! What a guy! (there got to be something wrong with him) I have to nag my BF who I love to do anything I feel like his mom! I am trying very hard to not think about the neighbor and work on what I have but I can't help it. I find my self taking out the trash one bag at a time hoping to catch him outside. What do I do? I love my BF and before this guy moved in I didn't have any thoughts about being with someone besides my BF he's a great guy, but I don't feel right and I can't move! Please help!!! *** a little about me 23yrs old this is my first relationship that lasted over a 1 1/2 years, I have a great 22month old little girl I love and don't know how you know when you are ready to get married or how you know someone is the one?

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Zellegirl, it's the 21st Century! You don't have a problem. Sure, you banged your current BF and have a two year old... what of it? He's a lazy mama's boy!


In a stroke of great luck, Mr. Right (the hottie) moved in right next door! Go for it! Oh.. and don't forget to go to court for support from your current BF/Lazy Mama's Boy Sperm Donor. Get all you can as it will increase your comfort level when living happily ever after with Mr. Right.


If in a moment of clarity you decide to leave the lazy mama's boy try and time it so that you leave him before beginning to bang the neighbor, if that's still a possibility.


It's a world where women have the choices. Take advantage, and bang away, no one will think you've made a bad decision, in fact it's so common no one will even notice much less care.

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I am new to this but I need advice! I have been with Mr. wonderful for almost 3yrs. and we have a little girl who is my heart and I am engaged, but it seems since I have gotten engaged things have change and maybe its me thinking too much but my BF is slacking on chores I do everything and now that I think about it I always have he lived at home until he was 28 and mommy did everything. Well this was beginning to bother me along with other small relationship things I was working on and then...... The HOT Neighbor moved in! OMG this guy is soo hot and I know I don't know him very well but he seems like one of those perfect guys (minus the 2 kids and the divorce) but he bought the house next door and completely re-did it and it looks great! His house is always perfectly clean and smells good, he is always playing with his kids and working around the house he is not lazy and he's a lot like me he's a do it yourselfer and a perfectionist. He fixed my fence and mowed my lawn! What a guy! (there got to be something wrong with him) I have to nag my BF who I love to do anything I feel like his mom! I am trying very hard to not think about the neighbor and work on what I have but I can't help it. I find my self taking out the trash one bag at a time hoping to catch him outside. What do I do? I love my BF and before this guy moved in I didn't have any thoughts about being with someone besides my BF he's a great guy, but I don't feel right and I can't move! Please help!!! *** a little about me 23yrs old this is my first relationship that lasted over a 1 1/2 years, I have a great 22month old little girl I love and don't know how you know when you are ready to get married or how you know someone is the one?


sure the hottie looks perfect in every sense but do you know him or how he is or his habits etc... there is more to being with someone than their looks ... sure your bf now seems lazy and all his negatives seems so much more now that the hot one shows up but maybe your bf loves you and your kid and so do you. accept the negatives cause we all have em and trust yourself and decisions you have made and will make in the future ... if you bf needs improvement , tell him so rather and work it out rather than bailing out for some unknown hot boy.

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Hey Zellegirl!


My advice? STAY AWAY FROM THE NEIGHBOR and save yourself a lot of grief down the road. What if things don't work out with the "hot neighbor" and you still have to see him every day? It's too close for comfort--and it could make your life a living hell. Your situation sounds complicated enough as it is.


Believe me, I know what I'm talking about: you can look up my own "Hot Neighbor" tale of woe in "Coping."

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Zellegirl, it's the 21st Century! You don't have a problem. Sure, you banged your current BF and have a two year old... what of it? He's a lazy mama's boy!


In a stroke of great luck, Mr. Right (the hottie) moved in right next door! Go for it! Oh.. and don't forget to go to court for support from your current BF/Lazy Mama's Boy Sperm Donor. Get all you can as it will increase your comfort level when living happily ever after with Mr. Right.


If in a moment of clarity you decide to leave the lazy mama's boy try and time it so that you leave him before beginning to bang the neighbor, if that's still a possibility.


It's a world where women have the choices. Take advantage, and bang away, no one will think you've made a bad decision, in fact it's so common no one will even notice much less care.


:confused::laugh: Hilarious!

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Who say's the neighbor is going to want you?....hmmmmm?


Good question.

He could be Gay. He could already have GF

if he is Mr perfect there are going to be 100s of woman who are after him can you deal with that?


Ever think your lazy BF might be checking out the hottie living down the street? You Know the one that pisses you off because of her perfect body and the fact she washes her car in short shorts and a bikini top.:rolleyes:

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