Fun2BMe Posted April 14, 2007 Share Posted April 14, 2007 actually F2BM...studies have shown that the only difference between organic and non-organic produce is the price. If you buy organic you're getting ripped off cause you're paying double for the exact same thing. Its all marketing and psychology. Since you're paying two or three times as much you THINK that organic stuff is better for you. That's what the fake produce makers want you to believe. Fake tomatoes are painted red and taste disgusting and rot quickly and the outside is all rubbery and the inside unappetizing. That's just one example. And you're going to tell me they're identicle to a garden grown tomato? And down the list for all produce. I guess if you're used to the taste and texture of fake produce then you get used to crp. Link to post Share on other sites
portableversion Posted April 14, 2007 Share Posted April 14, 2007 One thing to consider is worker safety--- with organic production the pickers will not be exposed to all the chemicals keeping them safer and they can be more labor intensive because the growers will have to be more involved with the crop instead of letting the chemicals do all the work thus creating higher cost Also I had heard of an experiment where a monkey was given a conventional banana and the rind only of an organic banana and thre monkey ate the rind instead Also the organics have less environmental impact you don't need to worry about chemicals seeping into the water supply or harming other critters that live in the wild and sometimes the chemical used can get inside the food so no amount of washing can remove it even conventional soap leaves behind petrochemical residues on food and dishware so we use an organic plant based soap called ecover great stuff Link to post Share on other sites
Green Posted April 14, 2007 Share Posted April 14, 2007 Yeah there is definetly a difference in taste and quality of organic foods. The eggs taste better and the shell cracks alot easier. The Tomatoes Taste alot different. As far as eating healthy goes its more filling to so you can eat less and off set the expense of constantly shoving your face full of the empty calories. So a poor fat person he eat 8000 calories a day could probably live on a healthy food diet of aroun 1800 calories for about the same price or less. I see people at my work going to buy Pizza's and McDonalds and Borrito's durring lunch all the time, Probably cost them atleast an average of 7$ plus they get atleast on candy bar or soft drink from the vending machine for 1$ or so. Thats 8$ maybe, I on the other hand always make sure to eat my breakfast of of cereal which probably cost me less then a 1$ then I bring a Banana, A sandwich, and an Apple and drink water through out the day to also help fill up which brings me all the way to dinner probably having spent less then 5$ or 6$ at most. Then dinner is probably my most expensive meal maybe eating some chicken and vegatables maybe costing me 6$ so each day it cost me about 10$ or 12$ to eat if I dont go to any resteraunts. I know for a fact that some poor fat people are spending more than that. Heck you could probably eat healthy and spend as litle as 5$ a day per person by buying in bulk and making some big healthy bean, vegatable, stew at the begining of each weak and eating it through out the week. Link to post Share on other sites
Author alphamale Posted April 15, 2007 Author Share Posted April 15, 2007 That's what the fake produce makers want you to believe. Fake tomatoes are painted red and taste disgusting and rot quickly and the outside is all rubbery and the inside unappetizing. They are not painted red. Come on! Where are you getting them from? The non-organic produce at my local Kroger is superb. I'm not gonna pay triple for some organic baloney that has the same nutritional value and tastes the same. Yeah there is definetly a difference in taste and quality of organic foods. The eggs taste better and the shell cracks alot easier. The Tomatoes Taste alot different. . I haven't noticed those differences. I have noticed the 3x price, however. People buying organic foods are totally getting scammed. Link to post Share on other sites
Pink Amulet Posted April 15, 2007 Share Posted April 15, 2007 It is incredible how economic distinctions can have such a varied effect on different cultures. In some cultures being overweight is a mark of your wealth and societal status. Link to post Share on other sites
dropdeadlegs Posted April 16, 2007 Share Posted April 16, 2007 Hot dogs and mac and cheese! Mmm mmm good and oh so healthy! Just 620 calories, and 225 fat calories for one serving of each, including the bun. That does not account for condiments, or a second hot dog (300 more cals., 165 more fat cals.) We're getting fat around here. Link to post Share on other sites
Author alphamale Posted April 16, 2007 Author Share Posted April 16, 2007 Hot dogs and mac and cheese! Mmm mmm good and oh so healthy! Last nite I had Stoufers mac & cheese and some wings from H:):)TERS...yummee! Link to post Share on other sites
dropdeadlegs Posted April 16, 2007 Share Posted April 16, 2007 Last nite I had Stoufers mac & cheese and some wings from H:):)TERS...yummee! that Stouffers stuff is so rich and cheesy. I'm doing the Kraft in a box, but it's the deluxe kind with the liquid cheese, no powder. At least we don't wonder why we have some extra poundage! Link to post Share on other sites
Fun2BMe Posted April 16, 2007 Share Posted April 16, 2007 It is incredible how economic distinctions can have such a varied effect on different cultures. In some cultures being overweight is a mark of your wealth and societal status. In the US being overweight is a mark of high blood pressure, cholesterol and increased risk of heart disease and cancer. Cars, clothes and vacations are a sign of wealth and homes in certain neighborhoods of societal status. Being thin and in shape doesn't mark one of either as poor or rich but more wealthy people are fit and healthy i.e. not overweight than the reverse, where close to 70% of the poor and middle class are obese. I guess in cultures where food is scarce, instead of people flashing fancy cars which wouldn't mean much to a hungry person, they flash their big bellies and butts and stuff themselves to become envious? Or eat out of psychological need fearing that they too will otherwise starve? I don't know. Link to post Share on other sites
Fun2BMe Posted April 16, 2007 Share Posted April 16, 2007 They are not painted red. Come on! Where are you getting them from? The non-organic produce at my local Kroger is superb. I'm not gonna pay triple for some organic baloney that has the same nutritional value and tastes the same. I haven't noticed those differences. I have noticed the 3x price, however. People buying organic foods are totally getting scammed. I should Fed Ex to you the organic vs. fake tomatoes and then you'll know what I'm talking about. (unless you're missing some taste buds and are color blind? Link to post Share on other sites
sunshinegirl Posted April 17, 2007 Share Posted April 17, 2007 I lived in Cameroon (central Africa) one summer, and I have never eaten so healthy in my entire life. Everything there is de facto organic: all produce and meats are fresh, fresh, fresh. It costed waaaaaay more to buy processed foods from a grocery store than to get produce at the market, and so most people didn't bother. My diet that summer consisted of fresh tomatoes, avocadoes, cassava, corn, pineapple, plantains, mangoes, fish, and chicken. Oh, and the freshest, best French bread ever (being a former French colony, they got the bread thing down!) Of course they used a lot of palm oil in their cooking, but that was virtually the only source of fat in their diet. My Cameroonian family and friends were astounded when I told them that it would cost me more to eat like this back in the United States than it would to buy canned and pre-packaged foods. Of course, they were also astounded when I told them that polygamy is illegal in the U.S. (I was in a Muslim part of the country) They wondered aloud what American Muslims are supposed to do - have only one wife?! ...But that's neither here nor there. Link to post Share on other sites
josie54 Posted April 17, 2007 Share Posted April 17, 2007 They are not painted red. Come on! Where are you getting them from? The non-organic produce at my local Kroger is superb. I'm not gonna pay triple for some organic baloney that has the same nutritional value and tastes the same. I haven't noticed those differences. I have noticed the 3x price, however. People buying organic foods are totally getting scammed. Because I was worried that I might pay too much for organic strawberries (which is No. 1 on the list of fruits that one should buy organic, because of the pesticides in conventionally grown strawberries), I once purchased organic and nonorganic strawberries for a taste test. Good grief. I will never buy conventionally grown strawberries again. I tasted the organic--red, sweet, juicy. The nonorganic? Bitter or bland. Same with tomatoes. I do not want to ingest pesticide. Organics are grown without pesticides. Therefore, I do not think I'm being scammed by buying organic. I'm just choosing to spend more to purchase better tasting, pesticide-free versions of my favorite fruits and vegetables. The higher price is because of the fact that organic farmers get a lower yield on their crops BECAUSE they use no pesticide. I understand that. Organics do cost more, so I can't purchase all organic fruits--it's better to eat nonorganic fruits and vegetables than none at all. But I will purchase organics on sale, or when the organic fruits are in much better shape in the store than the nonorganics. But as far as strawberries are concerned, if they're not organic, I don't eat them. Link to post Share on other sites
Great Gazoo Posted April 17, 2007 Share Posted April 17, 2007 I know of a Hutterite colony that grows organic strawberries. They mix hog manure with water in the irrigation system for fertilizer. If you can over the idea of hog waste being poured over them I am sure they taste great. Link to post Share on other sites
josie54 Posted April 17, 2007 Share Posted April 17, 2007 And if you enjoy ingesting cancer-causing chemicals, all's good to you as well. Mazel Tov. Link to post Share on other sites
Fun2BMe Posted April 17, 2007 Share Posted April 17, 2007 Organics are grown without pesticides. Also, they are not genetically engineered as are their counterparts. That's why they look, feel and taste different. Link to post Share on other sites
milvushina Posted April 17, 2007 Share Posted April 17, 2007 Does anyone buy organic milk? I don't because my husband says it tastes too funny. But I noticed while the regular milk usually has an expiration about 2 weeks from purchase, the organic milk does not expire for about 6-8 weeks. Why is that?? It seems like preservatives would keep the milk good and organic would have less of them. Link to post Share on other sites
Fun2BMe Posted April 17, 2007 Share Posted April 17, 2007 Does anyone buy organic milk? I don't because my husband says it tastes too funny. But I noticed while the regular milk usually has an expiration about 2 weeks from purchase, the organic milk does not expire for about 6-8 weeks. Why is that?? It seems like preservatives would keep the milk good and organic would have less of them. It's funny how we get used to the taste of processed foods. I make my own yogurt at home but when I occassionally taste store yogurt, it is so disgusting I have to spit it out. I went through a very busy period when I didn't have a chance to make it at home and looking back it amazes me how in a short time I eventually got used to the taste of the store yogurt. I lived in Europe for a while and used to order fresh milk. It did not need refrigeration and lasted a long time. The taste was strange at first, but I got used to it. You have to choose whether to get used to the taste of fresh produce or the chemically processed version. Once you get used to it, the other variety will taste funny. Link to post Share on other sites
Author alphamale Posted April 18, 2007 Author Share Posted April 18, 2007 I should Fed Ex to you the organic vs. fake tomatoes and then you'll know what I'm talking about. (unless you're missing some taste buds and are color blind? no thanks, I prefer my regular cost effective produce I do not want to ingest pesticide. then wash your produce before consuming it like you're supposed to do... Also, they are not genetically engineered as are their counterparts. That's why they look, feel and taste different. And cost 3x more... You have to choose whether to get used to the taste of fresh produce or the chemically processed version. I'm not choosing to eat organic produce if it means I can't gas up my car... Link to post Share on other sites
josie54 Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 What a firestorm. One would think we were arguing about the fate of the free world! Some of us want to pay for organic produce and some of us don't, can't, or won't. There really isn't a wrong decision when it's a personal choice. Hopefully we're all relatively healthy and happy because we care enough to think about it and make a choice--and avoid being a statistic in the "obesity epidemic" in the first place. There really isn't any reason to criticize people because they choose one over the other. I apologize for getting defensive about it. Link to post Share on other sites
Author alphamale Posted April 18, 2007 Author Share Posted April 18, 2007 Some of us want to pay for organic produce and some of us don't, can't, or won't. There really isn't a wrong decision when it's a personal choice. Hopefully we're all relatively healthy and happy because we care enough to think about it and make a choice--and avoid being a statistic in the "obesity epidemic" in the first place. well the main problem at hand is getting people to eat healthier and to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and stuff. I don't care whether they eat organic or regular produce but the latter will be much more cost effective. In addition, the studies done on the safety and nutritional content of organic vs non-organic show that both are basically the same. Link to post Share on other sites
Art_Critic Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 well the main problem at hand is getting people to eat healthier and to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and stuff. And cutting back on the liquor...all those Empty Calories Link to post Share on other sites
dropdeadlegs Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 And cutting back on the liquor...all those Empty Calories That's a change I am trying for a minimum of 60 days just to see the result of weight by only eliminating beer. My father always loses tons of weight when he eliminates alcohol from his diet. I figure at worst I would lose a pound a week, but it might even be more. Without the expense of beer maybe I'll do a taste test on organic versus the regular produce. I would like to see for myself if I can tell which is better tasting. I'll have someone do the cutting, or I could always use a blindfold. Now I'm about to go off topic, so I'll leave. Link to post Share on other sites
Fun2BMe Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 then wash your produce before consuming it like you're supposed to do... The pesticide gets ABSORBED into the produce and nulls any nutrition, replacing it with poison. And cost 3x more... I'm not choosing to eat organic produce if it means I can't gas up my car... If it's a cost issue, then that's one thing. But to deny the taste and health benefits you have to agree is another. Link to post Share on other sites
Author alphamale Posted April 18, 2007 Author Share Posted April 18, 2007 The pesticide gets ABSORBED into the produce and nulls any nutrition, replacing it with poison. oh come on don't be so naive F2BM....stop listening to that pro-organic propaganda. If it's a cost issue, then that's one thing. But to deny the taste and health benefits you have to agree is another. my point is that the huge cost is not worth the minimal taste/health benefits. actually most studies have shown there are zero taste/health benefits to organic produce over regular. Link to post Share on other sites
Fun2BMe Posted April 18, 2007 Share Posted April 18, 2007 And cutting back on the liquor...all those Empty Calories But they're full of fun so it's worth it@! Link to post Share on other sites
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