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Soft voice in male attractive?...

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I met this guy and he is HOTTTT! However, he has a soft voice, it's not feminine, and nothing about him indicates femininity at all. His voice is just...how can I say...light, maybe? He is very attractive and has a lot going for him, but I was wondering am I wrong for being a little turned off by the voice? Is there something that he can do to deepen it?

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Hi Myz_Heavenly,


He is very attractive and has a lot going for him, but I was wondering am I wrong for being a little turned off by the voice?


My question to you would be how much you truly value his voice tone as a characteristic that'll break the deal with him as a prospect. His soft, light voice has always been -- and always will be, I believe -- a part of whom he is. This one characteristic (which you judged as a slight turn-off) must come with the total package including "attractiveness and a lot going for him". Are you willing to overlook this characteristic and appreciate all the impressive qualities about him that you had described?


If you can quantify (:rolleyes: if such things are possible) your interest in him and say that his soft, light voice brought your interest in him down from 100% to perhaps 90%; then I'd say that he's still one to hold onto for sure. If you let him go, then he will surely be chosen by another girl.

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It's entirely your call.


A couple years ago I met a guy online who was GREAT. Over email. When we met in person, his voice was higher-pitched and softer than mine. I knew right then and there that I would never get over it. Call me shallow, vapid, whatever you like, but I just knew I wouldn't be able to deal.


I like to think that I released that one back to the universe for another lucky woman to catch. :p

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Confidence has an impact on the tone and deepness of one's voice.

Aside from that, there are natural ways/methods/training for guys to make their voices deeper (there are limits of course). The same methods as actors use to project their voices on stage. How old is he? If he's young then wait for puberty to finish :lmao:


Google and you shall find the answer.

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u can deepen the voice. wait for his balls to drop! no no seriously MARGERT THACHER DID IT!!! AS DID THE QUEEN.


well i know they are women but they did it because it a deep voice gives authority to ur words.


NOW, why on earth would you want to change this!! its his choice and he will know, its not like his mates wouldnt have rinsed him about it! amd ur not even going out (from ur post) and uv already pick a HOLE!

christ - let it go


its like a male not going out with a bird cuz her voice is super sqweekie or deep... either u get used to super fast, because it doesnt really matter. well at least to me this thing isnt important.


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I like a manly voice. It sounds like a man. I don't want someone who sings soprano better than me. Or who can make higher pitched squeals in bed. :p

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ok ok... DAVID BECKHAM - would you? i bet you would girls! HAHAHA


...lol..yea what girl wouldnt want to be with a multimillionaire/billionaire world renowned soccer star athlete?:lmao:

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Island Girl
I like a manly voice. It sounds like a man. I don't want someone who sings soprano better than me. Or who can make higher pitched squeals in bed. :p


Right there with you. High voices in men just aren't attractive. I imagine when they whisper sweet nothings it sounds like a girl -- eeeek!


Give me a deep voice, preferably a little rough when speaking low -- oh! Heaven!

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but I was wondering am I wrong for being a little turned off by the voice? Is there something that he can do to deepen it?


You can't ask a man to change his voice because you're turned off by it. It's who he is.


Let's put it this way, if you had a lower voice than the average female and a guy asked you to take something that would change your voice so HE would feel better about it, would you do that for him? Especially if it was someone you were "just" starting to date?

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I knew a girl with a really high pitched voice she was sexy, I knew a girl with a very manly voice and I used to refer to her as man woman hahah very unatractive. I have been blessed with a very deep anouncer quality voice girls love it, heck guys have even complemented me on my voice.. Ive got a great voice and funniest thing is I went from a young boy with the highest pitched voice youve ever heard too in a matter of months a young teenage boy with a super deep voice crazy, helped me with the ladies back in middles school days

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If you have the right chemistry his voice should make your heart pound.


Asking him to change his voice would ruin your relationship anyway. It isn't like asking him to cut his hair a different way or wear different cologne.

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I don't mind a woman with a slightly deeper than average voice its kind of appealing especially if she sings.


As for me, if I were to describe me regular voice, think Chris Tucker. Its not fair :mad: . I can make my voice go pretty deep and it sounds natural but it feels fake.

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The guy is 24 years old. I can't really describe the voice. It's not high, like a woman, but maybe...a very soft version of a male voice almost as if he is losing his voice, but it's like that all the time and I've known him for nearly a year...:confused:

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Well, it's up to you to decide if throwing away a friendship/relationship with him for nearly a year is worth it over his voice being not low enough.

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My former boss criticized me for having a deep voice. He said I couldn't be understood on the phone. Total bull****. It had never been a problem before or since but, after four years of working for this company, they suddenly decide to make it a problem. I think he was just jealous, lol.

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That's crazy Quinch and I think the excuse was total bull also. LMAO! Keep up the deep tones. LOL!

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The truth is that he and I never saw eye to eye. He was just looking for excuses to get rid of me because he knew I wouldn't quit. A sad pathetic little man :(

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Your ex-boss is full of it. If you notice, the vast majority of TV and radio announcers have deep, firm voices. They come across more clearly through an electronic medium.

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