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Is it OK to ask a girl to lunch/hang out if you arent dating?

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It is probably a stupid question, but is it appropriate to ask a girl out to lunch, a movie, or whatnot if you are friends or know her? I am not sure what way to approach her and need some advice. Thanks:)

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As long as you don't have feelings for her that are not reciprocated, then it's definitely OK. If you want to consider it a date but she indicates she only wants to be friends, then it is up to you to decide whether or not you can handle going out only as friends.


I wouldn't advise going out with someone you have feelings for only as friends that doesn't feel the same way. But it sounds like you are good friends with this lady and don't have any strings attached, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about. She should accept your invitation.

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Maybe the first few times go wherever you are going with a group of people so then you can be like "so and so are going here and im going, do you want to come?"

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It is probably a stupid question, but is it appropriate to ask a girl out to lunch, a movie, or whatnot if you are friends or know her? I am not sure what way to approach her and need some advice. Thanks:)


If you guys are friends or just know her, movies would just be too awkward. Social activities would probably work better.


But even so you should know that it might make it difficult for a girl if she gets the notion you're attracted to her, yet only consider her a friend.

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Of course it's ok...but I'm assuming you are interested in her as more than a friend? It probably would be best to invite her along to group gatherings at first. That way you can casually get to know her more. Then, get her phone number and call her up and ask her out. good luck!

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If you are looking for something romantic and she isn't - then it's not really appropriate. But if you arent sure what she thinks or if you both are both just wanting a friendship and nothing more - then sure - its fine. Nothing wrong with two friends having a great time together. I had a number of friends that I've done stuff with that was just two of us (opposite sex of course). And they knew it was just friends, and so did I, and we had a good time.

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I think redneckromeo is basically saying that there should be an understanding between you two, on weather or not you are hanging out as friends only, or because you mutually like each other as more. But I say just call her up and start by inviting her out for a group social event. Just sord of stick by her then (but don't be clingy) and maybe feel out the atmosphere between you. If you pick up vibes that she might like you, call her again a few days later, and ask her out on a date.

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Well - somewhat, but there's more. If you're romantically interested in her and are hoping that this 'date' could help you out there, if she's not interested, you should be ready to either totally remove the romantics from it or accept a rejection on those grounds. Then again, she may accept with no conditions - in which case I think you should pull out all the stops and try to earn a second date.


If you are just looking for a good time with a friend, you might want to make it known in advance so that she knows your intentions and doesn't expect more from it.


If indeed you are looking to romanticize her, I agree that a good start would be to get to know her better in a less intimate setting - such as a group social event. Try to hang out with her a good bit and get a feel for whether she is interested or not first. Then, you can make her move and ask her on a more private date if all signs point to yes.


I've been through something like that already - but it has been a very long and drawn out process for me...too long I would say. All my signs have pointed to yes so far, so now my next step is gathering up the courage to ask her out for real. I tried once a while ago, and she accepted but it never happened because I didn't know it at the time, but she was seeing another guy. Now I know she is free - and feels like she might be after me at the same time I'm after her.

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I already know your into her romanticaly. I wouldnt go out and give her some lame speech about how you like her. I would just flirt a bunch with her the next time your around her and gauge how she reacts she may react obviously by blushing and touching your or the vice versa scouling at you and saying stuff like your making me uncomfortable. bottom line you gotta try to kiss her or something get a heat of the moment situation going.

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It is probably a stupid question, but is it appropriate to ask a girl out to lunch, a movie, or whatnot if you are friends or know her? I am not sure what way to approach her and need some advice. Thanks:)[/quote

i wish that i meet agirl be honest with me

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I would be like, hey we should hang out i'd like to make FRIENDS. or you would make a nice FRIEND. reverse the frame, girls are always like "lets just be friends". taste of their own medicine kind of thing.

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this isnt very hard. whether u like her as a friend or romantically just send her a text. say like hey u wanna go get some lunch today or something like that. see what she says and go from there. i just did that exact thing today. im in college and the girl im going to my fraternity formal with made it clear that she wanted to go just as friends. today i texted her to see if she wanted to go to lunch, she said she had class, so i suggessted this weekend and she said ok. just text her and see what happens.

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