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Myspace Jealousy?

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I have many girl and guy friends on myspace, all of whom I know or used to know and have reconnected with them. Well..I mostly get comments from my guy friends, just silly or friendly kinda comments. And yes I do get some from my girl friends too. BUT this guy that I'm friends with, and had mutual attraction with before, messaged me because we sometimes flirt, even over text messages. So..I told him to comment me on my page, and he wrote "lastnight was amazing!!!" which is a big fat joke. BUT to my other guy friends, it doesn't look like it's going over so well. Like 2 of them already are giving me attitude! It's true that I like to flirt, but these 2 guys that are acting this way I haven't hung out with in awhile. So why would they even care? And even though I know it's a joke, will the other guys see it as I'm promiscuious?! Because that is not the vibe I want to give out.

So what if they continue or others join in and turn their back? Why so jealous over a retarded comment?!! And the comment could mean anything, but of course they will probably think the worst. Geez..I guess you really can't have guy friends huh?

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It sounds like they're pissed because they think they don't have a chance with you now. :p


Honestly, you CAN have guy friends, but it sounds like they have wanted to be more than friends with you all along....otherwise they wouldn't get upset over a stupid comment. Would these "friends" stop being friends with you if you started dating someone? I lost a lot of my "guy friends" when I started dating someone, but it turns out that they just wanted something more with me from the beginning.

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Geez, it's a friggen joke ! I wouldn't deign to get upset over something this silly. I can't believe your guy friends are getting there knickers in a twist over this. Are you sure that little comment is the reason ?


I remember another recent post where you were worried about adding some rather innocous phrase describing yourself on your page.


If I were you I wouldn't stress so much about myspace, and I CERTAINLY wouldn't stress over PEOPLE who stress about myspace !!!!


:cool: :cool: :cool:

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r u plain stupid! ur flirty mate is a douch bag! he's done that purely to get the other men off side with you. so that you loose friends! and whats more men like to think they have a chance with every women they talk to even if they NEVER come on to you!! like every man dont want to know his misses is NOT a VIRGIN!


this mate of urs is a douche bag, and only one reason for his comment, you know its funny (hmmmm failing to see anything funny), but he KNOWS what reaction other men will have!

ur going to loose blokes mates because of him. i am NOT sure u care, because it sounds like maybe new-guy-back-on-the-scene can do no wrong, but sadily he will do this crap with other birds.


SAY, for chance, like u fancy some bloke, he goes to a house party, u call him, he's with his EX and shes shouts "GET THAT COCK BACK TO BED U SEXY BAITCH!" yeah real funny i bet u would laugh hard because its the same joke ur mate plays yet ur on the receiveing end.... :| HAHA :|


just my harsh 2pence worth

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my reply's kinda late, but here it is:


This is ridicious. As harsh as Kepners was, he's right.


Don't waste your time over this drama. Today was the first time I looked up threads you made, and I think you are a drama queen. It's a really stupid way to live- drama causes pain.


The world would be so much better off if no one played ridicious games like you do. If you think about math, if you find the percentage of drama queens of the planet's population for present day, you will find the number quite staggering. It seems like life is all about drama every day, it's all because of people like you.


Things like wars where nuclear weapons might be deployed might happen any day, happen because of people like you, and it's likely. Now, think about this: what would happen if this world had less people like you. The planet we live on would be a much happier place. That, to me, sounds real good.


Stop it. Grow up. When you do, perhaps you'd see that it really is a pointless way to live your life. If you change, it'd be helping the planet to become a happier place for all of us. You'd then perhaps help convert other drama queens. I really dislike people like you, so please take my advice and change for the better. You can do it, you need to learn more proactive approaches :laugh: As much as I chuckle at reading your threads, you should just stop ;)

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