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who have voiced their opinions and don't feel it's fair to be attacked personally, and called blanket names and insults?


Uhhh, you do that to everyone else. You've attacked posters advice to the original poster. You did not like my harsh advice afew weeks ago and gave me crap about it, insulting ME by saying that I don't help anyone. Hmm, funny how you've not addressed this point as I've brought it up afew time already....


I guess you don't see the irony in that.

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Uhhh, you do that to everyone else. You've attacked posters advice to the original poster. You did not like my harsh advice afew weeks ago and gave me crap about it, insulting ME by saying that I don't help anyone. Hmm, funny how you've not addressed this point as I've brought it up afew time already....


I guess you don't see the irony in that.



OH WWIU are you still going on about what I said weeks ago, re your harsh advice? you really let my comments affect you THAT much? LOL

If you are so secure in the good deed that you do around here, you shouldn't let some comment I made weeks ago get to you so much. LOL

Have a little selfconfidence in yourself will you?


By the way you are going back to IGNORE mode, I enjoy ignoring you more than I enjoy bickering over stale crap.

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LOL. You just proved my point with your reply. Thanks!


Good maybe now you'll stop asking me the same irrelevant insecure question over and over again.

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LOL! Put any spin on it that you want...You obviously STILL can't see my point. It has nothing to do with the comment you made to me, it's how you react to it.


You don't respect anyone, yet you want everyone to respect and understand you. Hey, my point was - You go on attack mode and then run away...When someone points out what you've done wrong, you don't own up to it, you deny. You don't see how ironic that is or hypocritical that is?? Now that is funny.


Hmm, if you want to believe that I have no self confidence and I'm insecure, go for it. If it makes YOU feel good to think that you've upset me, good for you! I couldn't care less either way.


Ok, now you can put me back on ignore.

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Wow, this is amazing! It's like a non-sop TC opinion fest.:D

Well, she is entitled to it, so it's a good thing that she gets it out of her system.


WWIU welcome to the world of being ignored by TC. I'm sure you will like it here. I wasn't around most of yesterday, but I see nothing has changed. I can only hope that TC will soon get her fill of attention and then everyone can move on to more important things.

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LOL! Put any spin on it that you want...You obviously STILL can't see my point. It has nothing to do with the comment you made to me, it's how you react to it.


You don't respect anyone, yet you want everyone to respect and understand you. Hey, my point was - You go on attack mode and then run away...When someone points out what you've done wrong, you don't own up to it, you deny. You don't see how ironic that is or hypocritical that is?? Now that is funny.


Hmm, if you want to believe that I have no self confidence and I'm insecure, go for it. If it makes YOU feel good to think that you've upset me, good for you! I couldn't care less either way.


Ok, now you can put me back on ignore.


Even when she does read the posts, she never answers the questions. She just twists words and changes the subject.


Like I said yesterday, I'm beginning to really feel sorry for her.

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I'm starting to as well. I mean if she wants to believe that I'm insecure and all hurt, bent out of shape because of her comments, well, who am I to change her mind?


Even when she does read the posts, she never answers the questions. She just twists words and changes the subject.


Yes, that was my whole point all along and you got it in like 2 seconds....

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WWIU, there are so many posts from BW and OW thanking you for your help. I have never seen anyone talk to you like TC. I can't imagine that anything TC could say can take away from how wonderful you are.


Remember our show "What would WWIU Do?". Everyone agreed that it would be a hit.


All the people here on LS are lucky to have someone like you posting.

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Thanks HN! I'm glad to help.


And yeah I do remember that thread! Kind of reminds me of South Park when Santa and Jesus get into a fight - Then the boys sit and say "HEY, I wonder what Brian Boitano would do...." LMFAO!

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Thanks HN! I'm glad to help.


And yeah I do remember that thread! Kind of reminds me of South Park when Santa and Jesus get into a fight - Then the boys sit and say "HEY, I wonder what Brian Boitano would do...." LMFAO!


You make me :D WWIU!

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Hey WWIU, is someone talking to us? I think I hear something, but I don't know what it is.


Oh, sorry, it was nothing. My bad.

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HN to WWIU: "YOU, complete me!"



sorry I couldn't resisit. :D:laugh::D


If I was single and available and a lesbian, I think I'd ask HN out on a date. That is, if she was willing, able, single and available too....Could be fun, never know! :p:bunny:

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If I was single and available and a lesbian, I think I'd ask HN out on a date. That is, if she was willing, able, single and available too....Could be fun, never know! :p:bunny:


If I was single and available, I would say yes. Can I invite SC to come with us? That of course would be only in the case that he would be single and available as well.


And, TC can just sit there and watch. She is good at it!

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Salicious Crumb
Bottom line, sleeping with someone else's spouse IS scummy behaviour. It doesn't get much lower than that. Lying, cheating, sneaking around in secret, screwing married men and women behind their spouses backs is truly scummy behavior. There is NOTHING to justify an affair, and truly classy people don't engage in them. Why shouldn't you feel like sh*t if you're going to act like a sh*t?


You can cover your ears all you want, but being the OP is a choice, having an affair is a choice, you're not an innocent victim. You made that choice so live with the consequences, consequences that include being looked down upon and scorned by others.


If you don't want to be judged by decent society then perhaps you ought to behave in a manner that people don't find repulsive. Otherwise, if you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen.




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Salicious Crumb
Good maybe now you'll stop asking me the same irrelevant insecure question over and over again.


So much for ignoring WWIU

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So, Salicious Crumb, how about it? If we all find ourselves single and available one day, wanna go on a date with me and WWIU?


I hope it doesn't happen, but are you in?

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So, Salicious Crumb, how about it? If we all find ourselves single and available one day, wanna go on a date with me and WWIU?


I hope it doesn't happen, but are you in?


Maybe you should pose this question again in the Friday HOT sex THREAD going on in the watercooler section....

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Maybe you should pose this question again in the Friday HOT sex THREAD going on in the watercooler section....




How intriguing!

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Salicious Crumb
So, Salicious Crumb, how about it? If we all find ourselves single and available one day, wanna go on a date with me and WWIU?


I hope it doesn't happen, but are you in?


LOL...I'm sure you two are fantastic women...but if I ever get divorced...I'm done with dating..even at the age of 38.


I'll have my boys and thats all I need.


But thanks for the offer.

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Now I have that in my head and it won't stop repeating in my mind!


...I'm done with dating..even at the age of 38.


Nah, I'd date HN, you'd just be part of the show...Noone said anything about dating you! hehehe!

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Now I have that in my head and it won't stop repeating in my mind!




Nah, I'd date HN, you'd just be part of the show...Noone said anything about dating you! hehehe!


Hey, it's OK SC, according to Tomcat, we would all go out and have revenge affairs anyway, so don't worry you'll get yours. It's not up to you remember.


Thank you Tomcat for enlightening all of us. We now know that it's impossible to control our actions. And you said we weren't listening to you.


Oh, that's right she's ignoring me. Oh well.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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You guys are forgetting me...AGAIN!!! I wanna go out too. I wanna go out toooooo!!!!

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You know WWIU I could have PM'd this to you, but decided to put it here.


There we have it. Proof.


Let's see She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named called you insecure. That's a name and intended to be an insult. When pointed out that she did, in fact, attack you (I remember that comment and ALL the other posters that defended you), she says "oh. you still upset about that. get over it." Can't say "sorry". Can't say "you're right, I did do that. I see what you mean now." Nope. Its YOUR fault she had to say it. Why don't you realize she HAD to insult you? You really just don't get it, do you? If you hadn't responded with a glimmer of reality or truth, she wouldn't have had to defend the delusion. You MADE her do it. And for that, she's not sorry. Can't say I blame her. You ol' MEANIE. (where is the rolling on the floor emoticon when I need it. :confused: )


I don't feel sorry for her at all. But the funny thing is, I don't feel that she is responsible for the demise of her MM's M. He is. She only helped keep him from fully engaging back in it. She provided the getaway car, if you will. Still not honorable, but definitely not her fault, IMHO.


But I digress. I was never good at name calling and hurling insults. But I am pretty good at calling a spade a spade.


And to the poster that quoted the Founder: LOVED IT. Thanks.

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