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The First Steps To Freedom


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I finally did it! I finally decided to take a stand for myself and ended it with my Narcisstic Personality Disorder/Emotional Abuser. I didn't even realize that's what was happening until spending several hours online reading and researching. The stories I heard I related to almost completely and the behaviors and symptoms described him and our situaion to a T. I know I'm going to miss that charming illusion he created but there's not a person there just an act. I knew after what I read I couldn't just sit there and invest more emotional stock into literal nothingness. Before I met him I was an independent self respecting person, I'd like to think I haven't completely lost that since I did walk away but he definately had began the chipping away process and I'd already denied my own needs far too many times for his own account. I just took a big sledge hammer and shattered the glass of that illusion now. I know I'm going to need a lot of time to heal after something so emotionally exhausting and consuming but I'm so relieved I did this. I deserve better.

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Well done and you are right, you do deserve better! I know this must have been hard for you but you finally did it! Good on you! :bunny:

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