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Didi I make the right decision?

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I have been seeing this guy for about 9 months now. We recently got engaged in February. He was previously married for 12 years and he just got divorced in February. I recently found out that he has lied about several issues with the ex-wife.


The issues included: she is still living in the house that he financed, she is still driving the vehicle that he has in his name, he never got visitation papers from his attorney and the most heart-breaking to me was that him and his ex-wife still share a joint checking account (which at first he said was only open to pay a lona they both had) but I recently found out they both use this account to pay bills and each has a check card that they use.


So to sum it up to me they are still married even though physically they are not. We had planned a wedding for this August, but when I found this out I told him we were not planning a wedding and I did not want anything to do with him until he was not acting like he was still married to her. My question is: Did I make the right choice or should I have been more understanding?:mad::confused::(:sick:

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