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So I was on my bf's phone the other day, and there was all these recent calls (including the most recent TWO calls) from some number. He said it was from some annoying girl that keeps calling/texting him. The weird thing is... if some annoying person wasn't leaving you alone, wouldn't you tell your bf/gf about it? If that was happening to me, I'd probably be complaining to my bf about it..right?


I dunno... and she used to text him all the time on his old phone too, but he never mentioned it to me until I found out.. I just think it's strange... would you be suspicious?

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Why were you looking through your bf's phone in the first place? Yes, I would be a little suspicious, but only because he called her "annoying" but I doubt that he would give a girl he thought "annoying" his phone number.

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If she's that annoying, why wouldn't he have shut her down already? It's not like he couldn't tell her to stop contacting him...this sounds like it's been going on for a while.

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Yeah I agree with every poster..plain and simply..**** sounds fishy...there's a high chance you might have to cut him loose!!! or put up with crap..let him do it once they'll keep doing it and doing it again....if he doesn't put an end to it, then ended with him, its tough but it might have to be done...

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Why were you looking through your bf's phone in the first place? Yes, I would be a little suspicious, but only because he called her "annoying" but I doubt that he would give a girl he thought "annoying" his phone number.



Oh, I wasn't looking through my bf's phone... he was letting me use it to text my friend. He had thought he went into the text msg option when he handed it to me, but he had actually gone into recent calls. I glanced at the # and it was almost the same as my friend's #, so I said, "Oh, ..my friend called?" and then he mentioned who it really was.


That's the thing.. if she was annoying, why would he still talk to her so much?


And also... it has been going on for a while, because when she was texting his old phone, that was about 4 months ago that I found out about it.


(btw, he was deleting all his txt msgs for some reason... and whenever he would accidently leave his phone at my house, he would tell me to not bother looking for it, and he sounded a little nervous)


Thanks for all your input everyone :)

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