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theres a girl I Like

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There is this girl I have feelings for but Im not sure how to approach her I know first impressions are everything and I dont want to mess up. I live in Ohio but Im going to be moving with my Dad into California Shortly, which is where she lives. im wondering how do I approach her on myspace? or when I get to California and how?

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Terminally Confused

So I'm guessing from what you say that you haven't yet spoken to her at all, even on Myspace... I would be fairly up front with her. The beauty of Myspace is that it's very low pressure. You can very easily send her a message saying that you liked her profile, etc, etc, and would she be interested in chatting some time.


I may even be tempted to include in my initial message that I'm moving to California... Maybe you could ask her about what there is to do in the area, etc. Even if you don't get this in in the initial message I should do it pretty soon. Either way, there's probably no sense in you trying to push anything beyond friendship until you know each other a little. Then you should be able to do so in such a way that you know won't offend her.

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my friends told me that there's a girl who likes me and i noticed too. she blushes when she sees me. someone told me there's someone else who likes her too. should i go to her?---a very shy highschool student

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