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Sorry, but another important "just friends" post!

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I should just be using one topic for this, but I have some online conversations between me and this girl I like. If there are any girls or people with better relationship skillz than me (because I have none), a proper translation would be nice. Thanks :)


These were the first set:


ME: hey _____. what are your plans for tonight? i was wondering if you would like to go to catch a flick. have you heard about the new Jim Carrey film, The Number 23? shoot me a message back if you are interested.


HER: Sure, that sounds like a lot of fun! What's the plan?


HER: Number 23 sounds good, or just whatever you want to watch is okay with me. Just call me. My number is ____________. Talk to you soon.



after the first date:


ME: (I ask her about if she had a good time or not, etc. and leave a message on her phone)


HER: Hey ______ (me). Sorry I didn't answer your call the other night, but it must have been after I went to bed because I just got your message this morning. I had a really good time the other night, and you're really fun to hang out with, so I think we should be friends.



after a few random phone calls and messages a week later.


HER: _______ (me), I think you're kind of confused, and I probably haven't been clear enough up to this point, but I'm not interested in you in that way. You're cool to talk to in class and stuff, but I'm not interested in an out of class relationship.



Ok. Now what the heck is up with this? Everything goes well and this happens. Does she categorize me as a friend or am I just a "nothing" in her book. Please help me figure out what to do next.

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She doesn't really want to be your friend. She is just letting you down easy. If she was truly interested in being your friend, she would simply be your friend and hang out with you and do stuff with you. Instead, she is throwing the "friends" line at you in a hard way. Friends in a true sense doesn't require reminders and discussion. "Friends" as a way to turn someone down requires much reminding and clarification, almost always followed by chilly politeness and not much else.


What to do next? Turn your back and walk away, and do not look back.

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oh she gonna pay. i was a fool for falling for that friends bullcrap. i will definately confront her about this. no one is going to freaking do this to me.


It feels so awkward because she was all into doing anything with me when i first talked to her and all and now she pulls this stunt, thinking i will not notice. I need to say something that will let her know how I feel in the "kindest" way possible without completely hurting her feelings. Or should I say something mean and spiteful?

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I pulled the "lets be friends" line on a guy once, and you know what he said?


He said, in a very loud voice "I don't want any more goddamned friends!! I have plenty of those! I want to be with you!"


Needless to say, I didn't speak to him again after that but honestly I was relieved - it gave me an out that pretending to be "friends" wouldn't have provided.


You don't need to be ugly like that, but you can be direct. The best way to get your point across is to simply cut her off and stop talking to her or even acknowledging her. I hate to say it, and I'll put it as kindly as I can... but I expect that is what she wants anyway.

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wow haha that is pretty darn cool of him to say that. i'd rather not, but the funny thing is that she still answers my calls and messages online, not telling me anything negative or to "back off" or whatnot. Maybe she doesnt mind me socializing and chatting with her. What do you have to say to that?:p

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