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ladyin waitin04

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ladyin waitin04

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hey, there's this guy that i know and like (alot),but we already went out before and we're not dating right now :( ,but i'm trying to be friends again and hopefuly get us back in a close relationship eventually ;) ,but when we talk on the phone my brain goes dead and i'm so lost on what to talk about,and then he ends up getting bored and letting me go :rolleyes: .i feel like i'll have no chance even as a friend w/ him if i can't get topics to talk about to keep him interested.and sports is out of the questioned b/c he and i both hate them pretty much.lol...soo, please just help me get some topics together for the next time he and i chat to keep him wanting to hear more and more from me and not wanting to let me go off the phone.thanx! :)

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well- honestly - i think that if it doesnt come somewhat naturally- then it isnt meant to be. dont you want to feel comfortable? I mean. there is a healthy amoubnt of nervousness that should be felt but in the past (when I have dated people) what brings us together is our mental "connection"..just think that he needs to be impressing you too...you are a catch.....

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Hm, do I know you? You seem a lot like someone I know. I am pretty much the guy you described. When I talk to her later on in the evening, she goes brain dead. Even in the afternoon, she's still kinda zoned out, and we rarely get a good conversation going. It's not all her fault though. We just don't relate on much. She's a vegetarian, I'm eat turkey sandwiches almost every day... she's anti-war, I'm fascinated by war...she hates pro-wrestling, I watched it all the time as a kid.


It's the small things that matter, and we just don't relate on many of them. If the conversations don't roll naturally, then you two probably just don't have good chemistry.

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