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looking for reassurance that my theory is correct.

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so after a 5 year relationship ending a while back.. i've decided to strike back into the world of dating. while i've tried the whole singles bar thing.. i really am starting to have feelings for a girl whom i've been acquaintances with for a year and a half. we've never been close friends.. just people that knew each other from going to the same clubs and whatnot.


i asked her out last weekend.. and we went out to a couple of clubs.. and i think i did a good job of letting her know that my interest was a little more than friendly. we had a really good time.. but my plans for the usual "walk to the door and attempt a kiss" were foiled by the fact that we ran into a neighbor of hers (a guy) who needed a ride home. me being the nice guy i am said "sure." so he ends up riding in the front seat.. while she rides in the back (i have a sports car.. 6 foot tall hippies don't fit well in the back). when we arrive at her apartment building.. he hops out.. and she reaches from the back seat and hugs my neck.. then gets out. said she had fun.. and into the apartment she goes.


next night.. i'm kinda bored.. so i start texting people to see what's going on. she responds telling me she's going out and would let me know when she's heading out if i'd like to meet her. later.. she says she's about to go and i ask if she'd like me to pick her up. she says that's cool. so we go hit some clubs and hang out for a bit.. then we meet up some guy friends of hers (including the neighbor from the night before.. and her ex-bf from a few years ago) to have some after-the-club breakfast. after we finish eating.. she says she'll get a ride from one of the guys we met up and all of them hop in the car.. and i head home alone.


i waited a couple of days.. then i texted her again just asking "what's up?" and haven't received a response.


so i'm thinking she's not interested. any thoughts?

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I'm not sure if she's putting you in the friend zone or not. My instincts say yes, but it's hard to read someone's actions and form an adequate conclusion based on the scenarios you have described.


If you get the chance to have another date, I highly suggest an evening involving something other than club hopping. Do something that will allow for more one on one time and less butting in of friends and neighbors. If that seems impossible based on your next opportunity, suggest breakfast alone instead of with the group. "I'd really like to get to know you better, could we possibly decline the group invitation?"


Call her, don't text her next time. Texting is less personal than a phone call.


I think one more opportunity, or the lack of getting one, will answer your question.

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