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Hi im Emily Im 13.Last October my friend Troy gave his friend Mark(15) my screen name,Troy wanted to ask me out but Mark did first, i didnt know mark but we started going out.A couple weeks later we met at a dance, Now we both have fallen in deep love with eachother.Excpet Mark has dumpped me 2 times already and asked me back out,We are still dating now and i really don't wanna loose him like i did all the other guys.Im pretty into Sex(i know im to young) im not a virgin but Last night Mark told me he wanted things slow, and it was to much for him to handle! I was really sad, as well as scared to death that he was gonna end our relationship again.I understand that he wants to take things slow, but i dont understand why he didnt tell me this sooner, the last brake up we had he said it was because we were moving to fast,i then kept asking him if it was to much for him and if i should move slow but he just said "oh i can handle it now!" Mark is also all talk and leads me on alot, he is very insecure and i need ALOT OF HELP! I DON'T WANNA LOOSE HIM AGAIN! Thanks,



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I am 28 take my advise because I have been there. Let him go. When you two break up its so he can see others without feeling like he is cheating on you and when you get back together its so he can get laid. I know your saying 'no, hes not like that at all' but trust me most of them are all like that. And you are young you will have other loves in your life that will feel very much the same. Give yourself sometime and as you said Troy wanted to ask you out so there are others out there. Have you concidered letting Mark alone for awhile and dating Troy so that Mark gets jealous and comes running back to you? Because if you just sit around Mark will keep thinking he can depend on you to be his door mat when ever he strikes out with someone else. You both have alot of growing up to do before you can even begin to think 'Mark is my one and only'. And as to you having sex that young, my sister started at 8, but she ALWAYS used protection, I hope you do too. And thats all I'm gonna say on that. Just remember there are always more fish in the sea (yeah I know cliche, but remember I'm old) so just remember that and you'll be fine. You've still got high school and college to go thru. So relax and enjoy life. You don't want to be like me married at 18 and working at burger king (or insert appropriate fast food joint here) with two kids and divorced. I should have stayed in college and if he had really loved me he would have waited. If you want to talk more just email me and I'll give you my AIM name and icq number. I would hate to see you waste your life on a jerk. Be well and have a good one.



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Emily, I am 28 take my advise because I have been there. Let him go. When you two break up its so he can see others without feeling like he is cheating on you and when you get back together its so he can get laid. I know your saying 'no, hes not like that at all' but trust me most of them are all like that. And you are young you will have other loves in your life that will feel very much the same. Give yourself sometime and as you said Troy wanted to ask you out so there are others out there. Have you concidered letting Mark alone for awhile and dating Troy so that Mark gets jealous and comes running back to you? Because if you just sit around Mark will keep thinking he can depend on you to be his door mat when ever he strikes out with someone else. You both have alot of growing up to do before you can even begin to think 'Mark is my one and only'. And as to you having sex that young, my sister started at 8, but she ALWAYS used protection, I hope you do too. And thats all I'm gonna say on that. Just remember there are always more fish in the sea (yeah I know cliche, but remember I'm old) so just remember that and you'll be fine. You've still got high school and college to go thru. So relax and enjoy life. You don't want to be like me married at 18 and working at burger king (or insert appropriate fast food joint here) with two kids and divorced. I should have stayed in college and if he had really loved me he would have waited. If you want to talk more just email me and I'll give you my AIM name and icq number. I would hate to see you waste your life on a jerk. Be well and have a good one. Billie



Have you lost your mind?? Having sex at age 13 is, like you said yourself... TOO YOUNG!!!! At 13 you should be having "crushes" on BOYS, not having sex with them! You are setting yourself up for years of pain & heartbreak if you keep that kind of behavior going much longer. And I'm only 21, so don't think that I'm some old fart who lives in the stone age! Like Billie said...a lot of guys want one thing & they'll know they can get it from you, because guys talk..so they'll find out that you're into having sex, so they'll want to go out with you, but for all the wrong reasons. So in my opinion, you should STOP HAVING SEX with ANYONE, and start having some self respect. You're only 13 for Christ's sake!! You have PLEANTY of time to be sexually active...please...just wait at least a few more years!

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Hi. I am 25 now, from the time I was 13 up until I was ~18, I thought the only thing I had to offer a man was my body. This was because I was confused about my goals in life. I didn't understand yet what kind of person I wanted to be, so I let other people (especially guys) decide for me. Because I hadn't begun developing my mind and spirit, I felt that the only thing I had worth sharing with people was my body. I thought guys wouldn't like me if I didn't give in to them sexually.


It seems like this is your problem also. You are afraid if Mark doesn't have sex with you, he won't have a reason to like you. My advise would be to take some time out from guys all together (as anything more than friends) to think about yourself. Where do you want to be in 10 years? Pregnant? A single mom? Living with AIDS? 13 is a good age to find some things that you are good at, other ways to express yourself, like art or writing or sports. Think about your future. You really can become anything you want to, but the choices you are making now are limiting your posibilities.


PLEASE stop having sex. Your body is not ready for it. You will look old and worn out before your time if you keep headed down this path. And trust me sex is much more enjoyable when it is with someone you trust and who truly cares about you.


Learn from my mistakes. Take Care of yourself and guys will want to be around you because you are a cool girl to be around, sex or no sex.

Hi im Emily Im 13.Last October my friend Troy gave his friend Mark(15) my screen name,Troy wanted to ask me out but Mark did first, i didnt know mark but we started going out.A couple weeks later we met at a dance, Now we both have fallen in deep love with eachother.Excpet Mark has dumpped me 2 times already and asked me back out,We are still dating now and i really don't wanna loose him like i did all the other guys.Im pretty into Sex(i know im to young) im not a virgin but Last night Mark told me he wanted things slow, and it was to much for him to handle! I was really sad, as well as scared to death that he was gonna end our relationship again.I understand that he wants to take things slow, but i dont understand why he didnt tell me this sooner, the last brake up we had he said it was because we were moving to fast,i then kept asking him if it was to much for him and if i should move slow but he just said "oh i can handle it now!" Mark is also all talk and leads me on alot, he is very insecure and i need ALOT OF HELP! I DON'T WANNA LOOSE HIM AGAIN! Thanks, -Emily
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