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the roommate chapter 20? sord of long..

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"The Wedding"



The last I think you all know is that my rm had himself a much younger hot girlfriend sleeping over multiple nights in a row, and just as I was beginning to get really agitated, she hasn't been back since (that I'm aware of). I never said a word, but maybe she picked up on it, maybe he dumped her, I don't know and I haven't asked. But it's been a couple weeks now, and we've been getting along extremely well since then. Because for the 2 weeks she came over, he was like a different person to me...pretty distant, a little crabby, staying up all night (doesn't drink though) and going to work on little sleep like everyday...I was beginning to think he must be a pretty happy guy...


But I think all the fun back fired on him, cuz suddenly one day he turned up sick on the couch for 3 days with a bad head cold. All he did was sleep. Then I got sick a few days later. We've gotten along great but I'm sure this chick, or a new one, will turn up at any time now (now that he's over his illness!)


Our mutual friend's wedding is this Saturday! He claims that he has 2 dates...it's like he's wanting to upstage everybody...I think taking 2 dates to a reception is like you must be trying to prove some kind of point about yourself or trying to impress someone like the guys that are all married?! :laugh: ha...I refuse to think he's trying to make me jealous...anyhow, if I know him like I do, he'll still end up coming with just one gal! After bragging all this time...


My date is a guy that both me and RM have known for several years, but I know him a lot more and have hung out with him 20X more...and he's very hot...and very cool...fun as hell! I can't erase the memory of me telling my RM that I was taking this man, when he practically looked like a deer in headlights and said "really? well I'm taking 3 chicks!!"...and look he's already down to 2 what do ya know!! :laugh: I am so excited and pumped to party with my date.


But if he really shows with 2 hot younger girls, he'll be getting high 5's and hooting and hollering from our other friends, and he'll probably put on his King Sh*t hat and it'll be on my nerves cuz I despise that part of his personality! It isn't the sweet, non-physical guy that I watch movies with on the couch at night. It isn't the guy a few months ago who was making sexual or flirty comments towards me. We are not even the same 2 friends who hugged each other a lot and called each other "honey" all the time, like in the beginning.


I think I will get high 5's too, though, since my friends rarely see me show up anywhere with some hottie!! And the wedding party already knows him and likes him, so I'll be there with a popular guy! I'll look hot, get plenty of attention and hang with my friends, so I'll be happy.


But ugh, if he brought 2 girls back to our apt. later, I would just hate it. My date could come over, but might end up with one of his 2 dates! Ok maybe not but you never know! Since the reception is so close to home, I might suggest to my RM that we have a small "after party" and try to make the situation fun instead of awkward.


Next to the wedding, the biggest question that night will be "Can I make my RM as jealous as he has made me? Can I make him feel like he barely exists to me?"...if not oh well...but if so, he'll get a taste of his own medicine!


Stay tuned...:D;)

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