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Did I Over React???

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After a six month "break-up", me and my boyfriend decided that we would try to work on our relationship. I was the cause of the initial break-up. Well before we decided to work on our relationship he met this female online. He immediately told me about her. He said that she seemed cool and they are going through similar things relationship wise. I told him that I could accept that. Well one day, he left his phone home while he was at school. The girl text him saying "Is it okay to talk, or is she around?"


I text her back acting like I was him. I sent a lot of text messages asking if she cared if he had a girlfriend and if she would still be involved romantically with him. Thinking I was him she said that the fact that he was involved with someone else didn't bother her and she wouldn't let that stop her from getting close to him. I told her it was me, his girl friend, and she completely changed the story.


Well, I told my bf that I didn't want him talking to her cause she was up to no good. He told me that he told her that he wasn't going to be close friends with her but she could still send him emails occasionally or text occassionally. Well, last night, he was at work and said that he had to go because of chaos at the job. Something told me to look in his phone and Come to find out, he was talking to her. He lied to me. He was on the phone with her and texting her all night. He told her all of me and his problems. There was even a text from her reminding him to erase the text messages that they were sending to each other. I went off... I called her and told her to stop texting and calling him, and then i started yelling and hitting my bf.


It hurt so bad because we are trying to work on our relationship and we were doing so good, then he goes and lies to me over some stupid chick. He says that there was no sexual talk or nothing even close to that, just talking about each other relationships and the things they go through, but my whole thing is if that's the case, what reason does he have to lie about it. I don't want this to end our relationship, but i also don't want to play the role of a fool. He says that he is sorry for lying, but he's not sorry for telling her all our business. I'm still mad at him, and we really aren't talking. I wanted to know if you all think I am over reacting or if i have a good reason to be mad and make him suffer?

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