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Is this Fate or Coincidence? Do things happen for a reason?

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Hi everyone, thanks for reading.


A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream about a childhood friend whom I hadn't seen in 15 years. We're both 26 right now and we were the best of friends when we were younger. Walked to and from school everyday, looked at the stars at night, confided in each other. Since our fathers were in the Air Force, I eventually moved away and he and I maintained contact via air mail for a short while until we just grew up and moved our seperate ways.


Just in case you're wondering - I am female, he is male. It was like the show "The Wonder Years". We both had crushes on one another and never told each other. So 15 years goes by. I have 2 kids now and he has 2 kids now. We live in 2 very different states. He is on the East coast and I am in the Midwest. He's married now and I am currently engaged to be married.


In previous years, I had tried to establish contact with him by looking for him through different websites. No luck. So this is where the dream part comes into play. A couple of weeks ago, I had a dream about him. That in turn gave me the idea to look for him on Myspace. And sure enough, there he was. He was shocked I found him because he had only had his page for 2 days. I was shocked too!


I sent him a message and from that moment on we have been contacting one another everyday. He told me that he had always wondered how I was and what I was doing. I told him the same thing.


I just feel such passion for him. I think that things happen for a reason and something stronger than physical had brought us back together. Why would I have a dream about him out of nowhere and then find him on Myspace after knowing he had just started a page 2 days prior to me contacting him???


So last night we chatted for 2 hours. At first it was just hello... then it lead to I want to be with you right now... then to my heart is beating fast. I had never felt such passion for someone over the internet. It's like the electricity came through the screen and I could feel him. I want to feel him. I yearn for him now. He told me that after 15 years he still has the same feelings for me that he had then, if not stronger. And I feel the same way. I feel like he's my soulmate. You only get one shot in life to feel such deep passionate love. I feel like he's the one, but now he's married with 2 kids and I am engaged with 2 kids. Neither one of us is happy in our current relationships.


Any suggestions? Fate or coincidence?

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